Wcw nitro 1998

Jericho has wrestled more than 25 years now, and is responsible for endless comedy classics, but fans will always remember the moment that truly put him on the map.

The match itself was too confusing to claim it really hurt Booker in the long run, but the sight of Russo walking out with the title was bad enough for most fans to give up on the promotion once and for all. Best — The Four Horsemen Wcw nitro 1998. Ric Flair is often cited as the greatest wrestler in the world, both by himself and millions of fans worldwide. Flair was one of the worst victims of WCW mistreatment, walking out of the company in and again coming very close to doing so in Flair spent several months off throughout instead, and his return to the ring on September 14, went down in history as one of the most emotional moments on Monday Nitro.

Nitro was the Wcw nitro 1998 of former WCW President Eric Bischoffwho informed Ted Turner the only way his company could possibly compete with the then-WWF would be a prime time cable show to combat Raw. Turner earned his millions in part through owning multiple TV networks, so it turned out all Eric had to do was ask, and Nitro was born. WCW Monday Nitro lasted six years Wcw nitro 1998 TNT, and just like any other wrestling show, it had its ups and downs.

Instead, it took an entire half hour for Wcw nitro 1998 show to become nWo-style, and viewers turned to Wcw nitro 1998 in droves. The only real Wcw nitro 1998 was Eric Bischoff giving Hollywood Hogan dozens of gifts, another thing fans had no interest in, making the night a bust in every way possible.

Jericho has never been one who allows himself to be bested, so he claimed he knew 1, holds, and brought the gigantic list of maneuvers with him to Nitro on March 30th in order to prove it. The entire list is a great laugh Wcw nitro 1998 wrestling fans, especially those familiar with the armbar, Wcw nitro 1998 the only real drag of the promo is the fact Prince Iaukea was the one to break it up. Worst — Rick Steiner vs. There was a time when Rick Steiner was considered one of the best technical wrestlers on the planet, especially whenever he Wcw nitro 1998 in a tag team with his brother, Scott Steiner.

It genuinely felt like WWE and WCW were either working together to create a brilliant angle, or that WWE wrestlers were actually invading WCW, and thus were about to destroy it.

Best — La Parka Surprises Randy Savage. Savage and Page feuded the majority of the Wcw nitro 1998, resulting in dozens of exciting matches, passionate Wcw nitro 1998, and shocking moments, but many fans would agree the biggest surprise came on July 7, Six days before Page and Savage were again set to do battle in a tag match at Bash at the Beach, Savage had a match on Nitro against La Parka.

He and William Regal made repeated shots at WCW and their fan base, cutting off Tony Schiavone and Scott Hudson as they tried to give their farewell addresses to the fans. As shocking and memorable as the simulcast was, it had nothing to do with WCW, and in fact featured Vince repeatedly mocking the wrestlers who built WCW to nearly defeat him. In all truth, WCW ended not with a bang, but a whimper. Lex Luger Wins the WCW World Championship.

For whatever reason, WCW felt fans would prefer to rock and roll all night than watch status quo shattering wrestling. Wcw nitro 1998 — Goldberg Wins the WCW World Championship. Nonetheless, wrestling fans connected with Goldberg unlike any other superstar in WCW. WCW was regularly accused of piping in loud Goldberg chants, and they may have in the beginning, but before long Goldberg was unquestionably their top Wcw nitro 1998, and Wcw nitro 1998 fact, the first true star WCW had created practically the entire decade.

The night Goldberg defeated Wcw nitro 1998 Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship has been criticized as often as Goldberg himself, but this, too, is something irrelevant to any fans who experienced it when it happened. Goldberg was already the WCW Wcw nitro 1998 States champion on July 6,and things felt as though it was only a matter of time before he conquered the entire wrestling world.

Either way, what it meant was that WCW became the hottest wrestling show on the planet, and it stayed that way for the better part of two years. For the one magical evening when it began, though, it truly seemed like WCW could win Wcw nitro 1998 war Wcw nitro 1998 had started.

The least logical of these powers was witnessed on October 5, Warrior had the ability to appear in mirrors only to Hogan, and the fans, and the announcers, but not Eric Bischoff. It was as confusing as it sounds, and Wcw nitro 1998 as a sign Warrior had passed his expiration date in the business well before he got in a WCW ring. Chris Jericho is a fantastic in-ring talent, but his true contributions to the industry may well be his hilarious promos, which have been a staple of his career ever since WCW first gave him the opportunity to shine as a star.

Warrior joined WCW in late to feud Hollywood Hogan in a reprise of WrestleMania VI, which was a simple enough idea that may have worked, had it not been for the fact Warrior been completely out of wrestling shape and unable to work even the most basic match.

Flair had tears in his eyes from the start, and went on to deliver one of his career best promos on Eric Bischoff for daring try to destroy his legacy. The ensuing Bischoff-Flair feud had the suffered the usual pitfalls WCW was known for, but this sublime moment will forever be etched in fans minds as the night Ric Flair came home.

Less than two Wcw nitro 1998 after Nitro took over the wrestling world, though, the same show was reaching all-time low ratings, earning half as many viewers as Raw, if that. WCW Wcw nitro 1998 infamous for having a constantly rotating cast of writers, and while some of those writers were capable of greatness, others were far more prone to wrestle crap.

La Parka was a dancing cruiserweight skeleton, which may sound silly on paper, but it allowed him to stand out in Wcw nitro 1998 Lucha libre scene at the time. At first, the match seemed like a straightforward squash for Savage, and fans went absolutely wild when DDP Wcw nitro 1998 him with the Diamond Cutter and revealed who he really was.

InJericho was a rising talent in WCW, winning the Cruiserweight Wcw nitro 1998 on several occasions, but had yet to have a feud that heavily connected with the fans. He finally entered one when he started challenging and mocking Dean Malenko, an amazing technical wrestler who boasts knowledge of 1, submission holds.

The show was broadcast from Club La Vela in Panama City, Florida, but the unique setting was just about the only Nitro trademark the company was able to provide. Vince McMahon micromanaged the final Wcw nitro 1998 as much as he couldreceiving Wcw nitro 1998 airtime on the show than virtually any WCW wrestler.

Even when WCW was at its best, there were several overarching criticisms of the company that led to wrestling fans choosing WWE in the end. One of the biggest problems was that WCW never let the good guys win, instead giving week after week of the evil nWo destroying all of the babyfaces.

The fact that WCW went out of business means virtually every wrestling fan understands the company made some serious mistakes throughout its run. However, some fans may not realize just how bad some of those mistakes were, or more likely, when exactly the worst of those mistakes took place. Things were already starting to get really bad through the end of and the first few months ofwhich caused Vince Russo and Eric Bischoff to take drastic measures in order to try and right the wrongs.

Nitro is thus unforgettable for Wcw nitro 1998 fantastic and horrible moments, both of which remain unforgettable to fans more than a decade after the show went off the air. Keep reading to learn the 8 best and 7 worst moments in Monday Nitro history. WCW Wcw nitro 1998 Nitro debuted for TNT on September 4,broadcast live from the Mall of America. While the first several years of Raw were often rather low-key, Nitro started things off with a bang. The opening match featured two of the most exciting wrestlers in the country at the time, Brian Pillman and Jushin Wcw nitro 1998 Liger, and the other matches were loaded with future Hall of Famers, including StingRic Flairand Hulk Hogan.

Throughout the night, the announcers were promising a reunion of Wcw nitro 1998 legendary Four Horsemen, which occurred near the end of the show. Arn Anderson one by one introduced past Horsemen and promised they were about to raise hell, ultimately bringing Flair to the ring to a standing ovation after Wcw nitro 1998 had worked the crowd into a respectful frenzy.

The nWo was still going strong after two years of dominance, and fans were starting to feel genuinely bored with their antics. Worst — nWo Monday Nitro. Even when WCW was at its absolute best, it was capable of producing some of the worst wrestling shows on the planet. Wcw nitro 1998 in point, nWo Monday Nitro, a one-time special Wcw nitro 1998 that took place on December 22, The ultimate showdown between Wcw nitro 1998 and Hollywood Hogan was only five days away, and WCW decided to utilize a promised massive audience anticipating the ultimate payoff show by broadcasting an amateur construction crew setting up a stage.

In addition to the WCW superstars on hand, there were also a variety of shocking debuts, from arm wrestling champion, Scott Norton, to the much more notable WCW return of Lex Luger. At the time, Raw had a reputation for being a show where not a lot happened, and by giving fans a cavalcade of legends, unexpected surprises, and great matches, WCW was exhibiting a high-quality program wrestling fans had been dying for.

Unfortunately for the Steiner family and fans of WCW, the Steiners reputations took a dramatic nosedive shortly after they broke up as a team for the first time in Scott would have his ups and downs since then, but Rick experienced a series of down notes before fading into obscurity. Puppeteers can make him carry a knife in a movie, but in real life, a wrestler would step on him and his head would pop off. Fans were already turning out in droves, and a bizarre, absurd segment with no possible payoff was nothing but a great excuse to Wcw nitro 1998 Raw that night.

On top of that, the Mall of America remains one of the most unique atmospheres to ever hold a wrestling show, and it was a sign Nitro would be changing the landscape of professional wrestling in just about every way possible. Worst — Vince McMahon Buys WCW. After six years of ups and downs, Nitro aired its last episode on March 26, While this moment has ultimately gone down in WWE history, looking at the final Nitro from beginning to end is a less satisfying affair.

Worst — The KISS Concert. The big problem about the KISS concert was that it had absolutely nothing to do with wrestling. At roughly the same time on Raw, Triple H was defeating Mankind to win his first WWE World Championship, a moment that would go on to become one of the most significant in company history.

Best — Scott Hall Invades WCW. Through his fake thick Razor Ramon accent, Hall declared that if it was a war WCW wanted, they were about to get one, and the face of wrestling was never the same. Like many of the moments on this list, its hard to explain to newer fans just how shocking, exciting, and unexpected this moment was.

All championships were vacated, storylines were thrown away, and tournaments were set to take place at the upcoming Pay-Per-View, as opposed to any matches fans were interested in seeing. The idea was to create a clean slate, but what they ended up with was a huge mess. Best — The Sting Army. WCW had plenty of positives in their favor while they were on top of the wrestling world, and the big ace up their sleeves was Hollywood Hogan vs.

August 4, was Wcw nitro 1998 historic Nitro for at least two reasons Wcw nitro 1998 the company tried to turn into three. The third and most important reason was the main event of Lex Luger challenging Hogan for his title, made historic by the fact Luger actually won by making Hogan submit to the Torture Rack. The Ultimate Warrior will always be a controversial figure in sports entertainment history.

Nonetheless, viewers gradually grew tired of Hollywood Hogan and his cronies chickening out of matches while somehow keeping the WCW World Championship the Wcw nitro 1998 year.

Monday Night Raw ultimately won the war, and as a result, WWE gets most of the credit for the success of this time frame. While the WWE Attitude Era was filled with incredible moments that helped Raw win the warit was the debut of WCW Monday Nitro that acted as the first shot fired.

Russo was never a professional wrestler, and was merely a writer for WWE and WCW, who was given far too much Wcw nitro 1998 in WCW, and the power all went to his head. Russo defeated Booker T for the championship on September 25,in an extremely convoluted WarGames inspired match.

DDP and Randy Savage were wrestling the feud of the year inbut it was Hogan and Sting who fans wanted to see finally step into the ring, which they did at Starrcade. Sting dropped from the rafters, crawled out of the ring, and snuck in from the crowd, always one-upping the nWo with the power of surprise. This night, he stole their tactic of wearing his masks, walking to the ring with an army of men Wcw nitro 1998 Sting masks.

The Wcw nitro 1998 was that the nWo were tired of working on a show with the letters WCW everywhere, so they beat Wcw nitro 1998 the production staff and demanded Wcw nitro 1998 wear their letters, instead. They then destroyed every piece of the set that included the letters WCW and replaced them with the letters nWo. If this had happened during a commercial, or before the show went to air, it could have served an actual purpose by making fans angry at the heels.

Hogan and his allies easily took out the fake Stings, but the crowd jumped to their feet when the real Sting was revealed and it seemed like WCW could actually win the war. Worst — Vince Russo Wins the WCW Wcw nitro 1998 Championship. Spoiler alert: David Arquette winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship is not on our list, as the match in which he won the belt aired on Thunder. The nature of WCW means there was more than one absolutely atrocious champion, though, and Vince Russo may have actually been worse, in that there was no benefit of publicity or Wcw nitro 1998 storytelling to justify his egotistical decision to give himself the title.

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