Waves api 2500 торрент

As you might expect, API also makes an excellent dynamics processor for individual sources. Again, it excels on things that trouble other compressors, such as very dynamic or tonally inconsistent vocal takes. In my opinion, however, the compressor is an absolute standout product. According to the manual, this adds noise and harmonic distortion that replicate the imperfections of analogue circuitry, at the cost of a slightly increased CPU load.

The API Collection includes three EQ plugins modelling the A, B and hardware units. Software emulations of API hardware have appeared before, but the Waves API Collection is the first officially licensed plugin bundle based on their designs.

I found the effect absolutely undetectable in normal use, and even when I nulled the plugins against one another, the added noise was completely inaudible at anything like normal listening levels.

When Hugh Robjohns reviewed the hardware version some six years ago, he praised its flexibility and superb sound quality, and the plugin version likewise sounds great. There are the usual Threshold, Attack, Ratio and Release controls; the last three of these are stepped, but turning the Release control to its fullest setting introduces a second, continuously variable Release knob, which is otherwise greyed out.

Four plugins are included; three are based on classic API EQ modules, while the fourth emulates the stereo compressor, which was reviewed in its hardware incarnation in SOS October endpoint29cc8e As ever, they are compatible with all of the common plugin formats, and can be used in mono and stereo tracks. Waves api 2500 торрент former is a threeband design with stepped frequency and gain controls.

The plugin versions mimic the front panels of the Lunchbox modules almost exactly. This is not the kind of plugin that really requires presets, although Waves have supplied lots of them!. Ah yes: the sound. As I just mentioned, these Waves API EQs are not like stereotypical digital equalisers. Both, incidentally, are impressively light on CPU resources. The other main component of the API Collection is an emulation of the stereo Waves api 2500 торрент, which is not itself a Waves api 2500 торрент unit, although it does incorporate technology from earlier API designs.

The two outer bands can be switched between peaking and shelving responses. The B is an updated version of the same design which Waves api 2500 торрент a fourth band of equalisation, while the is a 10band graphic EQ.

This arrangement seems a bit odd, but is faithful to the original. Makeup gain can be applied automatically or manually. The owes its reputation for flexibility to some less familiar controls located in the Tone section. As well as selecting between hard, medium and softknee compression curves, you can also insert a choice of two highpass filters into the sidechain, Waves api 2500 торрент to a circuit API call Thrust. Some mixes just seem to lend themselves to being compressed, and you feel that almost any dynamics Waves api 2500 торрент will Waves api 2500 торрент an adequate job.

API does a far more than adequate job in these cases, but where it really shines is in more difficult situations. The Tone controls, in particular, make a profound difference to how responds.

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