Qgis 22 на русском языке

Adjust the Distance to map frame till the coordinates are legible. Change the Coordinate precision to 1 so the coordinates are displayed only upto the first decimal. Now we will add a North Arrow to the map. The Print Composer comes with a nice collection of map-related images - including many types of North Arrows.

This will ensure that if we turn off some layers or change their styles, this view will not change. Switch to the main QGIS window. Use the Zoom In button to zoom to the area around Tokyo. You can Qgis 22 на русском языке it off for this view.

Often one needs to create a map that can be printed or published. QGIS has a powerful tool called Print Composer that allows you Qgis 22 на русском языке take your GIS layers and package them to Qgis 22 на русском языке maps. The tutorial shows how to create a map of Japan with standard map elements like map inset, grids, north arrow, scale bar and labels. We will use the Natural Earth dataset - specifically the Natural Earth Quick Start Kit that comes with beautifully styled global layers that can be loaded directly to QGIS.

Download and extract the Natural Earth Quick Start Kit data. Browse to the directory when you had extracted the natural earth data. This is the project file that contains styled layers in QGIS Document format. You would see a lot of layers in the table of content and a styled world map in the QGIS canvas. If you see errors displayed at the top of the canvas, click on the cross to close it.

It is time to label our map. Click on the map and draw a box where the label should be. In the Item Properties tab, expand the Label section and enter the text as shown below. We can enter the text as HTML as well. Check the box Render as Html so the composer will interpret the HTML tags.

Now we will add a map inset that shows a zoomed in view for the Tokyo area. Before we make any changes to Qgis 22 на русском языке layers in the main QGIS window, check the Lock layers for map item and Lock layer styles for map item boxes.

Select the Map 1 object that we just added from the Items panel. Select the Item properties tab. Scroll down to the Frame panel and check the box next to it. You can change the color and thickness of the frame border so it is easy to distinguish against the map background. One neat feature of the Qgis 22 на русском языке Composer is that it can automatically highlight the area from the main map which is represented in our inset.

Similarly add another label to add the data and software credits. Once you are satisfied with the map, you can export it as Image, PDF or SVG. Save the image in the format of your liking. Below is the exported PNG image.

Select the Map 0 object from the Items panel. In the Item properties tab, scroll down to the Overviews section. Click the Add a new overview button. Select Map 1 as the Map Frame. What this is telling the Print Composer is that it must highlight our current object Map 0 with the extent of the map shown in the Map 1 object.

It is divided in 18 zones and if you are working for a smaller region in Japan, using this CRS will be better. Check the Enable on-the-fly CRS Transformation box. Type Tokyo utm zone54n in the Filter search box. Now Qgis 22 на русском языке can start to assemble our map.

Holding your left mouse button, draw a rectangle on the top-right corner of the map canvas. On the right-hand panel, click on the Item Properties tab and expand the Search directories section and select the North Arrow image of your liking.

We need to use a Projected Coordinate System that minimizes distortions for our region of interest and has units in meters. Universal Transverse Mercator UTM is a decent choice for a projected coordinate system. In our case, we will use UTM Zone 54N. Click the CRS Status button at the bottom-right of the QGIS window. For Japan, Japan Plane Rectangular CS is a projected coordinate reference system CRS that is designed for minimum distortions.

Now we will add a scale bar. Click on the layout where you want the scalebar to appear. In the Item Properties tab, make sure you have chosen the correct map element for which to display the scalebar. Choose the Style that fit your requirement. In the Segments panel, you can adjust the number of segments and their size.

Click on the change In the Coordinate Reference System Selector dialog, enter in the Filter box. From the results, select the WGS84 EPSG as the CRS. Select the Interval values as 5 degrees Qgis 22 на русском языке both X and Y direction. You can adjust the Offset to change where the grid lines appear. Scroll down to the Grid frame section and select a frame style that suits your Qgis 22 на русском языке. Also check the Draw coordinates box.

Now that we have the map inset ready, we will add a grid and zebra border to the main map. In Qgis 22 на русском языке Item properties tab, scroll down to the Grids section. Click the Add a new grid button. By default, the grid lines use the same units and projections as the currently selected map projections. However, it is more common Qgis 22 на русском языке useful to display grid lines in degrees. We can select a different CRS for the grid.

You will see that the Qgis 22 на русском языке window will be rendered with the map from the main QGIS canvas. The rendered map may not be covering the full extent of our interest area. Let us adjust the zoom level for the given map. Click on the Item Properties tab and enter.

You will be prompted to enter a title for the composer. You can leave it empty and click Ok. Leaving the composer name empty will assign a default name such as Composer In the Print Composer window, click on Zoom full to display the full extent of the Layout. Now we would have to bring the map view that we see in the QGIS Canvas to the composer. Once the Add Map button is active, hold the left mouse button and drag a rectangle where you want to insert the map.

We are now ready to add the map inset. Switch the the Print Composer window. Drag a rectangle at the place where you want to add the map inset. You will now notice that we have 2 map objects in the Print Composer. When making changes, make sure you have the correct map selected.

In this tutorial, we will make a map of Japan. Click the Zoom In button and draw a rectangle around Japan to zoom to the area. You can turn off some map layers for data that we do not need for this map. Before we make a map suitable for printing, we need to choose an appropriate projection. This dataset comes in Geographic Coordinate System GCS where the units are degrees. This is not appropriate Qgis 22 на русском языке a map where you want the distances to be in kilometers or Qgis 22 на русском языке.

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