O sole mio текст песни

UnregisteredApr 25, at pm. UnregisteredNov 30, at pm. This song is a love song between two beautiful opera singers! See it performed by Amira Willighagen on You Tube with a tenor from Italy at a concert in South Africa.

Also we collected some tips and tricks for you:. Remember: your meaning might be valuable for someone. Do not post anything that you do not have the right to post. Please note: We O sole mio текст песни every meaning. Follow these rules and O sole mio текст песни meaning will be published Type your knowledge till "Good-o-meter" O sole mio текст песни "Awesome!

Now I sing especially in the fall when the sun is not bright and then I miss and this song comes to mind. Write about your feelings and thoughts. Know what this song O sole mio текст песни about? Does it mean anything special hidden between the lines to you? Share your meaning with community, make it interesting and valuable. If this song really means something special to you, describe your feelings and thoughts.

Amira does a terrific job of acting out her part Is she instead actually feeling his overtures as he sings to her? You will feel the emotion of love from both of them!. UnregisteredJan 9, at am. Hence the references to the shining sun her blondness. This song to me is a praising and a longing for the beautiful sun. In Italy especially in Naples and the sun is simply beautiful and shines every day. My grandfather and my father sang this song often.

Then send your meaning with "Post meaning" button. Sign up or log in with.

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