Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч

Much has changed from the last version and we hope you enjoy the changes and keep an eye out for updates about the next update which we hope to get out later in the year. First of all I would like to thank Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч for creating the mod and all Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч has done to get it to where it is today. He has had to stand Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч as mod leader due to a lack of time but he still plans to be around when he can and he saved the day during these final weeks by fixing a lot of the modelling issues.

We plan to tackle those things in a subsequent patch but we are not going to let these things delay the release plan. The main features of the mod are as follows. Empire, Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, Badlands Goblins, Pirates, Orc, Dwarfs, Bretonnia, Chaos. Dark Elves, High Elves, Araby, Skaven, Kislev, Beastmen, Nippon, Vampire Counts, Wood Elves. There are lots of new armours and weapons to purchase in the merchant shops.

Each faction has its own troop types and lords which are close to their warhammer armies. Big monsters to hire or fight including Trolls, Ratogres, Ogres, kroxigors and Ushabti. The ability to become a player character of every faction race in the game and now halflings. All new character creation system, bring a warhammer background to your character. Item Race Restrictions, Player can only wear items which relate to their race.

The player has the chance to obtain magical weapons and armour for themselves. New map of the old world. Start on map straight away no starting fight or mission.

Featuring Music by nox arcana. This is an honest and faithful attempt to list down all those who works have helped make warsword what it is over the last 5 years. Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч you notice that anyone that we have forgotten please contact a team member immediately. Thank you to everyone who has contributed.

Revamped economy and trading to make merchant builds viable and to make investments and trade runs more lucrative and worth the time required. Faction patrols around their lands from small foraging parties to large patrols.

Each town and village has correct walkers for faction. Factionalized Farmers and village defenders, now correct for faction. Villages now produce recruits of owner faction and changes recruit type when taken over.

Factionalized mercenaries, each faction will have a pool of different mercenaries to hire. All new mercenaries including Ogre Leadbelcher, Alcatani Fellowship, Braganzas Besieger, Tichi Huichi Raiders, Mengils Manflayer, Night Goblins, Witch Elves and many more. Sell prisoners to tavernkeeper. Revamped tournaments with special tournament characters and teams. Each faction now has their own mount for the tournaments apart from dwarf and pirate and each faction has their own unique set of tournament weapons.

There are some known issues which we are releasing the mod with such as faction leaders having the wrong banners, skill reporting being bugged and that script error still happening albeit less frequently.

This hotfix is not game save compatible. There will be another hotfix in a few days earliest weekend but we cannot guarantee that it will be game save compatible. Please bear this in mind if you would rather not keep restarting your game it may be Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч waiting and seeing. The next hotfix will include all these fixes as well if you would rather wait. All other issues will be addressed in later patches. We are happy to be able to release the next update of warsword conquest.

Fixed village elder bug. Many small troop stat and equipment fixes. Wood elf walker fixed. I have made these fixes but I have not been able to test them due to being away with only my laptop. Hopefully they work as intended:. Mounts do not get the same combat skill bonus as their rider. You now get relation penalty for attacking kingdom patrols. Defections no longer occur. Wages reduced slightly for mercenaries. Slightly higher average pay for prisoners when selling at barkeep.

Without his help we would have had to cut a considerable percentage of the new models but thankfully his know how has meant that every new model we wanted in has made it to release.

All new Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч to bring the warhammer world alive. Ability to change player kingdom troop race when you own a kingdom. Join any battle and choose what side to fight on. Death cam and battle continues. Sea Battles Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч Sea Bandits. A very BIG thank you to Games Workshop for making such a great Fantasy setting. Warhammer online and Mark of Chaos PC games for model ideas etc and hours of fun playing time.

Many thanks to gsanders phospor1 for his innovative ideas and attention to Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч which has added a lot to warsword and has opened new avenues which we will Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч to explore. He has also done wonders to help streamline the mod and make it run as easily on systems as it can. Massive thanks goes to Jargon Darot for the countless new scenes which have been added to the mod which have really made the mod come alive and added a great touch of authenticity and uniqueness to the factions.

Their contribution to this update has made a massive difference at a critical time. Also a big thank you to Polloio for being ever present on both modddb and taleworlds doing invaluable work communicating with our players and those interested in development.

Slightly improved rewards for quests. Slightly adjusted space at normal town merchants. Companions slightly add to party morale as more companions are hired. Lowered the cost of village improvements. Slightly increased number of items for sale in town. You can no longer recruit troops for free. Smoother curve for buying and selling in bulk, which really adds up quickly. It still exists as a part of the backspace view orders mode, but otherwise is removed.

Slight increase in maximum party size calculation. Increased garrison and lord party size. Increased party prisoner limit slightly. Compassionate lords do not attack farmers or Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч villages. Auto-calc bonus for high level troops. Auto-calc kills fewer high level troops.

Fixes companion dialogue issue. Fixes cyrus ward save issue. Somewhat fixes lord bandit quest issue it often works but sometimes it fails like before so I recommend saving before asking a lord for a quest until I have figured out the last variable. Vampire starts with items. Fixed some broken scenes and arenas but not all arenas, I recommend keeping cheats Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч so you can auto kill tournament combatents who spawn in dodgy locations.

Visit, destroy or take over a total of 48 Towns, castles, villages. Fight bandits including forest goblins, ninjas, amazons and undead. Large bandit armies can also spawn on the map. Factionalized merchants sell race related items.

He also included some great new character creation options as well. Thank you to all of those whose work has helped contribute to warsword over the years and you can see all of these in the credits.

Finally thank you to the community for following and supporting the mod. Thank you for your patience during the difficult times and kind words and encouragement along the way. Warsword Conquest is a total conversion of warbands mount and blade 1. You can see a greater detail of the new changes for this release in the articles on the modddb website or in the changelog file in the mod root.

Thanks also to Captain Melon who has also made excellent contributions to the new scenery. A big thanks to Dankmar orcs, goblins, lizardmen, vampire counts and Articcactus Wood Elves who have contributed to this update as freelance modellers Mount blade warband мод дамоклов меч have allowed us to refresh many more factions than we initially intended and have also allowed us to fill most of the map with new factions.

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