Learning yii 2 video

You can now view posts for your blog!. Create a new method with the following definition:. First, lets define our method. A couple things to note with Yii2. You should be getting the hange of that learning yii 2 [video] now though.

Now refresh the page The reason is simple. Anything you want to use, you have to explicitly define unless it already has been defined. Add the following line to top of SiteController. Then refresh the page. Now lets add some markup to display our posts.

Getting Started With Yii Framework 2. Getting ActiveRecord to autoincriment the database. Changing the charset of utf Removal of model method in Post Model. Added Flash Messages instead of errors. Today Yii Framework made the announcement that Yii2 was now available for a public preview. A lot has changed from Yii1 to Yii2. This tutorial will go over making a simple blog site in Yii2.

Navigate to where yii2 is located at, and you should see the following page. Your First Yii2 App!. Lets make it do a little learning yii 2 [video].

So you have two classes, both named Foo and that both have the method Bar, assuming they are both name spaces you can call both of them independently of learning yii 2 [video] other as follows, without learning yii 2 [video] collision of classes. Name spaces learning yii 2 [video] an easy way to prevent collision of code.

A webserver, either Apache or Nginx. A database to connect our app to. Basic Knowledge of either Yii or MVC. You can follow this guide without them, however things will make more sense if you have a concept of what MVC is. So, lets get started!. Download a copy of Yii2 from Github either by cloning the repository or by downloading a tar archive.

All find methods now stem either from find or findBySql. Personally, I hate this. It feels very CakePHP ish, and is in my opinion redundant. Personally, I prefer the older way of rendering learning yii 2 [video] a variable passing a function parameter to the render methodbut maybe it will grow on me.

CHtml::link is gone, and has been replaced by a helper name space called Html. Reading is easy, so lets take care of that next. Create a new method in SiteController with the following definition:. Now, if you navigate to?

But what happens if you throw the following into your title. I know I certainly did. Escape and sanatize your stuff. There learning yii 2 [video] evil people learning yii 2 [video] there who want to ruin you because you forgot to sanatize your user input. Now when you visit that page, and some evil person has added a script tag in your form all that is seen is sanatized input

Just add the following below the first. Now try deleting "Example Post". Now lets get to the fun stuff, creating new entries in our blog. Chmod usually does the trick. Then add the following function definition to SiteController. Notice the new method "populate". Now that that has been settled out, add the view for our create file. What happens if we input a blank form?.

In our create action, we used. That being said, you should probably be nice to the user and just warn them learning yii 2 [video] a soft flash message instead of learning yii 2 [video] hard http exception that makes it look like your site exploded. So you have everything setup now.

Then refresh the page. Again, not much has changed from Yii1 to Yii2. Now lets do some real coding!. Connecting To Your Database.

Creating a Post Model. Create a new folder called models under protected, and then created a new file call Post. Everything else is basically the same. For the most part, ActiveRecord has remained unchanged. This tells Yii where we can reference this file at.

Unlike Yii1, where you can just call the class name, Yii2 uses a different type of auto loaded which requires you to learning yii 2 [video] define what classes you intent on using. At least in theory. First, lets start by updating our index action so that we can view everything. I like to be able to view everything from my index action, so lets start there. A couple of things to notice here. Raw model data from ActiveRecord and Model can now be accessed directly by calling the method you want information on.

Lets fix those two issues before continuing. First, we need to open up our Post model, and add the following method:. This method makes the title and content field required. Give it a try!. Your final method definition should look like this:. Now try saving again. Our model now has validation on both the title, and content fields, and will automatically update the created and update time for you. Now lets do updating. Our update action is going to be nearly identical to our create action.

And run the following commands to setup your first webapp, providing yes to the first prompt. This is the equivalent of creating a new learning yii 2 [video] in Yii 1. In my opinion, learning yii 2 [video] are some questionable design choices. Lets break down the changes we made:. Next, we updated our config path to use FILE instead of DIR. The point of name spaces is to encapsulate code in logical units to prevent collision of multiple code bases.

You should see HelloWorld being printed to the screen. That means our method is being triggered. Now lets configure it so that we can get some data from our database. Then, lets create our read action. Just for clarity, HttpException is essentially CHttpException. Now, on our index page, click on "Example Post".

Creating the Database Table. Login to MySQL, and create a user and database both named yii2. Then run the learning yii 2 [video] command to update the db structure for yii While the same structure is there, this is the only thing that is needed to get your database up and running.

Responses on “Learning yii 2 video”

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