Kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень

In general, you should be receptive to using certain tower types more than others if the situation calls for it. Use the circular shape to your advantage to provide maximum coverage: two or three archer towers at the top and bottom, with as many mage towers as you can afford after this, Desert Thugs and Dune Raiders are the only enemies to bother you here.

While choosing the right kind of tower can boost your performance in Kingdom Rush, it can be your placement of the correct tower in the optimum location that makes all the kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень. The first thing to remember is to use the barracks towers to create choke points: these are most effective at points where paths converge and towards the exit gates.

You need power and speed for the final boss. Necromancer towers are useful, but archmages kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень absolutely necessary for later on. Battle Mechas should be present as well: two as a minimum. The boss will fly over your towers, being attacked by them but also burning them and eventually destroying them one by one until either you have failed or he is dead.

Level 3 mage towers are powerful so make sure to use kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень. One entrance point at the top leads to two exit paths in the south. One more path gets made by an executioner on the right hand side. The central area is crying out for archers and mages, and the top section is ideal for a DWAARP. A Barracks will be necessary on each of the paths, particularly at the build point closest to the entrance that will be made by the executioner.

The whale-tale shape will be the best for building archers and mages for best coverage of types, with barracks being build on the left and right in places of your choosing. Mage towers are most usefully upgraded to archmages later on in the level. My choices were assassins, archmages, and crossbow forts. A DWAARP is also very useful at a central point as well. Level 7: Crimson Valley. Four entry points are created in total. Level 8: Snapevine Bridge. Cover the top and bottom paths by kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень in the central station.

Reinforcements are so useful that they deserve their own paragraph since these can be used to great effect at any time during a battle. Use them to delay enemies that make it through to your gates, or in the middle of a large group to delay a few of them, but however you use them, always, always just remember to use them in the first place since they have a very short cooldown period and can really help you out of a sticky situation. Starting off with a bunch of archer towers is a good foundation, but the number of mage towers you build should be responsive to the number of armoured enemies that will approach, as should your barracks and artillery be responsive to build-up of crows and fast-moving enemies.

Level The Underpass. Archers kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень to be spread well around the enemy entrance points, and mage towers are also essential for taking down armoured foes. Necromancer towers, archmages, crossbow forts, and a battle mecha are effective. Barracks are quite handy in this one, with archers covering the paths where they meet.

The Battle Mecha is also extremely effective in this level, and all following levels for that matter. Archers and eventually crossbow forts kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень well on the top two corners of the central area, and an artillery tower on each of the top build points in these corners. DWAARPS cover the paths at the top very well. Necromancer towers are hugely useful, and a barracks towards each exit also helps catch stragglers. Archmage towers will help you out a great deal here as well, providing firepower against the Quincon boss at the end.

Mage towers are required for their armour penetration and accuracy, particularly against wolves that appear later. Barracks are also required to slow down these wolves as well; I used 2 barracks towers for extra safety on the vertical path.

The final nugget of 24 karat information is simply to place towers in locations that have the highest amount of coverage over the largest area. They kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень seem a little weak at the beginning when you can only upgrade to say level 2, kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень even at this point, large numbers of low level archer towers placed in some prime locations will make short work of the approaching enemy.

Level 3: Sape Oasis. Upgrade strategy comes into it at this stage, with level 3 kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень being available. Build a mixture of archers and mages to cover both paths. Archers should be the greatest in number, with mages used here and there for backing them up. Make sure to upgrade your archers towers fairly evenly when you can.

Add in a barracks tower if enemies are progressing too ar. Use reinforcements to your advantage also. Level 2: Sandhawk Hamlet. Build archers around the point where the paths converge: 4 archers towers at this point will suffice.

The only things to watch out for are the tiny spiders that move at excessive speed, making necromancers and barracks towers towards the exit essential. DWAARPS are always helpful as well. Building archers in the central section is wise. Necromancer towers will help you out significantly here: place them on the curvature of each path.

I chose to upgrade my rain of fire and archers at first, and then pad out the rest after building this solid foundation. I would say that you should upgrade the areas that you most use, so if you like to go heavy on artillery, spend your stars on these; if you like mage towers, upgrade these kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень a priority.

Instead, try to build success in numbers, spreading low-level archers and mages throughout the level and upgrading them in a relatively even fashion. On the Up and Upgrade. The best strategy is to concentrate on upgrading one or two main attributes in a substantial fashion.

Level 9: Lost Jungle. Crossbow forts should be built in the centre, with barracks covering the south. Necromancers are most useful in this one, stalling and obstructing the enemy as well as any barracks tower.

I always make it a point to begin with a solid number of archers because they are cheap to build, have the greatest rate of fire, and are by far the most versatile of all the towers in terms of the different types of enemy they are effective against. As soon as you are able to build them, Crossbow Forts are incredibly effective against the enemy, kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень having a cluster in the centre of a level as well as one stationed near each exit kingdom rush frontiers прохождение 11 уровень prevent last-second disappointment at an enemy escaping.

Level 4: Dunes of Despair. Use the middle S-shaped formation to build towers around at first. Archers of course should take priority, mage towers to help out, and a barracks to slow men down in the central area.

Level The Dark Descent. Build an artillery and archer tower around the dwarf buildings that are already there. Crossbow forts will deal great all-round damage: you should have some covering both paths, with archmages eventually, and a mecha t on both paths. Level Emberspike Depths. Concentrate your archers around the central points since there are a few exit points you must cover. The barracks towers are essential: one on each exit point or thereabouts. Crossbow towers are of course the choice here: axethrowers are not the way to go here.

Barrack towers are unnecessary on some levels, but it can never hurt to have one or two to catch fast-moving enemies such as wolves and spiders that would otherwise get through. The second consideration to bear in mind is to use barracks towers in conjunction with several attacking towers to deal the most damage. A few archer towers and a mage stationed in range of a well-upgraded barracks tower can be highly effective, and artillery towers are best friends forever with barracks as well.

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