Community core vision

Our mission is to openly discover, document and distribute NUI knowledge. Getting started is simple; register community core vision a member and learn more about us Getting started using the application and controls. Source image - Displays the raw video image from either camera or video file. Use Camera Toggle - Sets the input source to camera and grabs frames from selected camera. Use Video Toggle - Sets the input source to video and grabs frames from video community core vision. Previous Camera Button - Gets the previous camera device attached to computer if more than one is attached.

Camera Settings Button - Opens the camera settings. Community core vision will open controls of the camera, especially when using a PS3 Eye camera. Flip Vertical Toggle - Flips the source image vertically. Flip Horizontal Toggle - Flips the source image horizontally. GPU Mode Toggle - Turns on experimental hardware acceleration and uses the GPU. This is best used on newer graphics cards only. Send UDP Toggle - Turns on the sending of TUIO messages. Flash XML - Turns on the sending of Flash XML messages no need for flosc anymore.

Press this button to recapture a static background image. Dynamic Subtract Toggle - Dynamically adjusts the background image. Turn this on if the environmental community core vision changes often or false community core vision keep appearing due to environmental changes. The slider will determine how fast the background will be learned Smooth Slider - Smoothes the image and filters out noise random specs from the image.

This way, when touching something displayed on screen, the touch is registered in the correct place. In order to do community core vision, CCV has to translate camera space into screen space; this is done by touching individual calibration points. Following the directions community core vision will help explain how to setup and perform calibration.

Highpass Blur Slider - Removes the blurry parts of the image and leaves the sharper brighter parts. Highpass Noise - Filters out community core vision noise random specs from the image after applying Highpass Blur. Amplify Slider - Brightens weak pixels. If blobs are weak, this can be used to make them stronger.

The higher the option is, the bigger a blob has to be to be assigned an ID. Max Blob Size - Adjust the level of acceptable maximum blob size. The higher the option is, the bigger a community core vision can be before losing its ID. Remove Background Button - Captures the current source image frame and uses it as the static background image to be subtracted from the current active frame.

Binary TCP - Turns on the sending of RAW messages x,y coordinates. Enter Calibration - Loads the calibration screen. Save Settings - Saves all the current settings into the Community core vision settings file. Download and extract the stable latest build of CCV for your platform.

Next Camera Button - Gets the next camera device attached to computer if more than one is attached. Tracked Image - Displays the final image after image filtering that is used for blob detection and tracking. Inverse - Track black blobs instead white blobs.

Threshold Slider - Adjusts the level of acceptable tracked pixels. The higher the value is, the bigger the blobs have to be to track. Movement filtering - Adjust the level of acceptable distance in pixels before a movement of a blob is detected. The higher the option is, the more you have to actually move your finger for CCV to register a blob movement. Min Blob Size - Adjust the level of acceptable community core vision blob size.

Launch the CCV application. Adjust the filter sliders to suite your sensing technique. Enter calibration mode and test results. Start your client applications which recieves tracking data. Calibrating allows touch points to line up with elements on screen.

Responses on “Community core vision”

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