Brothers forever текст песни

With guns of grown up men. I fear it might be my last breath. Our aim is blinded by the sun. To a safe haven I now run.

This flute was heard from out there in the dark. I knew the words and joined in song. This Brothers forever текст песни truce a miracle of hope.

We raise our hands and walk. Upright to move towards each other. No guns, no death between. The enemies now turned to brothers. Together on this barren earth. I tell him of my son. No pawns or deadly toys. The morning comes, and we are done. We head to base and end the truce. That lasted through this war of liars. A vision of a better life. Next night I see a shadow and. We both shoot in the name of god. As we fell down our eyes have met. Our friendship ends now in this turmoil Brothers forever текст песни blood.

I was born to pave the way. To let the masses hear, listen to my say. As to a shepherd with second sight. Only a few coins in my hands. I do not need nor want this throne, on no Upon this stage these words I sing.

I suffered myself, yet I am to blame. The lord blessed us both, but we still fight and claim. That kid on the mountain, - Brothers forever текст песни was his name?. Brother hear my plea tonight. I grew tired from these endless years of Our fight.

Peace to all men is the dream I wish to bring, yeah Out of this ocean land I cannot lead the Brothers forever текст песни. I dance while raising high both hands. These few words of light. Minor sum cunctis miserationibus quam explesti servo tuo. This story began before I was born. A childless woman cried sadly at home. Her maid gave birth to a child of her own.

My father felt joy yet he was torn. A conflict began one day at dawn. The maid took your hand and you were gone. To the desert you left, towards the unknown. I reckon you were so alone. God will hear you oh, my blood. For the years you roamed in dirt and mud. Forsaken like a nomad, deserted in the flood. You did nothing wrong and took all the shame.

From a tiny corner stone we may build our realm of light. Please hear me, brother As two kids who always spent. Their time and played with toy guns in their hands. There you stood in front of me. And when our eyes have met. We both set sails to death.

Despite of the lie, the death and the woes of forgiveness. Through fire and water I shall walk with thee]. Brothers forever текст песни lies and difficulty of forgiveness. I shall be Brothers forever текст песни thee in good and bad]. Do not gloat when your enemy falls].

Responses on “Brothers forever текст песни”

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