Borrowings in english дипломная работа

Informal vocabulary is subduvided into standard colloquial and. God, ohmodal words and expressions definitely, in a way, rather, by no means.

Law justice, judge, prison, etc. Economy and trade money, tax, rent, etc. Religion religion, pray, service, etc. Housing city, village, palace, etc. Culinary pork, beef, veal, boil, etc. Occupations, crafts carpenter, painter, tailor, etc.

Borrowing is a consequence of cultural contact between Borrowings in english дипломная работа language communities. Borrowing of words can go in both directions between the two languages in contact, but often there is an asymmetry, such that more words go from one side to the other.

The basic stylistic division of the vocabulary is stylistically neutral and. The former can be used in any situation and make up. The latter are found only in specific contexts. Stylistically marked words are subdivided into formal and informal.

The origin of the English words: Borrowings Source and origin. Etymological doublets and hybrids. Stylistically neutral and marked words. RomanThe first Roman occupation was led by Caesar in 55 BC. By the year AD the whole Britain except for the northernmost of Scotland was held by Romans. Although Borrowings in english дипломная работа Scandinavians were peaceful colonists their influence upon the language was strong.

The words of Scandinavian origin may be found not only among place names -beck, -bricksurnames -son, -sen but also within the words from common, everyday Borrowings in english дипломная работа window, fellow, husband, sister, sky, happy, ill, etc. Consequently the main spheres where the words of Norman origin can be found are Administration state, reign, parliament, etc. Titles of nobility baron, prince, princess, etc. Military war, peace, army, captain, etc.

For example, the Germanic tribes in the first few centuries A. Few Germanic words, on the other hand, passed into Latin. Doublets are two words which were derived from Borrowings in english дипломная работа same basic word but by different routs. They differ in sound-form and meaning. The main source of etymological doublets in English is Latin language. There are two reasons of the process Stylistically Marked and Stylistically Neutral Words.

Minor InfluencesDutchThe contact with the Dutch language was mediated by the political, commercial, and cultural contacts; thus the main spheres were maritime terminology dock, gin, commodore, etc. ItalianMain spheres are business bank, risk, bankrupt, etc. OthersSpanish, German, Russian, Czech, Indian, Japanese, Red Indian, etc. There is no transfer from one language to another, and no "returning" words to the source language. The words simply come to be used by a speech community that speaks a different language from the one these Borrowings in english дипломная работа originated in.

Responses on “Borrowings in english дипломная работа”

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