2 гис 64 бит

Background processing does not consume a second license; only one license per machine is used. If 2 гис 64 бит want to return to bit background processing, you need to uninstall the bit background processing software. Executing a tool in the background allows you to continue interacting with the application so you can continue working with maps and layers while geoprocessing tools execute.

The bit version of background processing requires bit client libraries to make a connection. 2 гис 64 бит for Desktop will continue to use the bit libraries, and background will use the bit libraries. See the database client topic for more information on downloading the appropriate libraries. If your workflow involves any of the above data types, you can execute the tool in the foreground by disabling background processing or convert your data to a supported type, then execute the tool in the background.

Using bit background processing. Background Geoprocessing 2 гис 64 бит is available as a separate installation on top of ArcGIS for Desktop. The following information only applies if you have the Background Geoprocessing bit product installed; otherwise, background processing is done in 32 bit. What is bit Background Geoprocessing?.

Evaluate the following sections 2 гис 64 бит your current workflows. If any of them apply, using data from an enterprise geodatabase, for example, ensure you have taken the proper steps to use bit background processing. Desktop, Workgroup, and Enterprise geodatabases. ArcMap and ArcCatalog are bit applications that communicate with database management systems DBMS through bit client libraries regardless of whether the database is 32 or 64 bit.

The installation of the ArcGIS for Desktop—Background Geoprocessing bit product replaces the regular bit background processing which comes standard with ArcGIS for Desktop. Using bit processing to perform analysis on systems with large amounts of RAM may help when processing large data which may have otherwise failed in a bit environment. Since all execution is done in the native bit space, more system resources can be used. Tools that execute in the background honor your current license.

Coverage data is supported as input to tools, but it is not a valid output type.

For example, if you are licensed for ArcGIS for Desktop Standard, then background execution will honor all tools that are licensed for Standard.

Responses on “2 гис 64 бит”

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