Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды

Before that date, you can load your gamesaves with or without these tweaks, there will be no significant impact on campaign progress. SH5 campaign progress workaround. Due to some technical aspects of the game, when deciphering the message make sure to always use encryption date contained within the message it self ex.

This procedure also stands for other orders like: depth Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды keel, max range at current speed, new heading command, nearest radio contact ect Use of radio communications will redirect most of enemy nearby air and naval patrols to your location. Almost everything is uncertain and randomized, including torpedoes speed and depth, your true position in SH world merchants AI crew fighting damage ect ect.

Or simply end patrol and start next one This is clear indication that you have messed up somehow your game or mod installation. The the best solution is to check install instructions once again, reinstall the game completely, delete everything from my documents folder and start fresh campaign using "silentotto" cheat if you like All historical missions will CTD after approximately 24h of sim time.

Players who do not wish to use "Enigma" can always disable appropriate optional addon and ignore occasional encrypted radio traffic which can actually contain some interesting data in form of earlier base transfer announcements, info about occasional scripted convoys with rare units, some "easter egg" messages ect Unfortunatelyit is not Campaign objectives are date controlled and EBCW objective will not be available until Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды September Sure, check this mod You can also use appropriate option in KSDCommander settings tab which will randomize your bunker "pauses", for example between 20 to 30 days or so To apply your settingsyou should launch your SH5 trough CSDCommander at least once.

Read before you start playing or posting a question!. The concept is nicely explained here. Campaign transfers in TWoS are date controlled. This means that, in order to trigger the campaign transferyou will have to be ON PATROL when ending date of your current campaign chapter is reached, preferably somewhere at open sea without AI units in your vicinity. Campaign transfer should then be initiated, or it will be at least few days after the ending date.

It was abandoned by developers as soon as it saw daylight Check this post Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды make sure to be thorough in your reports. Trust me, It can be much harder Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler. TDW Option File Editor Viewer. Still, modpack and Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды instructions are created in a way that even a person with some patience and without any SH experience should be able to activate the megamod properly.

If you wish to sink a ship with deck gun only, prepare yourself for engagement which can sometimes last for several hours If you wish to "speed up the process" send them another fish or use your deck gun if safe to do so.

Ship sinking speed depends of various factors like : crew skill, hit location, damage taken, type of the ship, internal cargo, ect ect Note also that electric torpedoes have less powerful warhead than steam counterparts. Despite common belief that the game wont penalize you if you sink neutral ship, it seems that it will by giving you negative rating and renown points which are very important for players progress medals, new subs and equipment, prom.

Press small "toggle TAI Visibility" button few times, located above depth meter on the left side of your screen. The cause for this glitch is high resolution settings. Update your DirectX If I command "all stop", she will do tight circles?!. Note that increased loading time with this fix is normal side effect The game crashes as soon as I load it?. There is a solution, check this post. Issues like these are commonly associated with game alt-tabbing, so you should avoid this.

It is truly remarkable application and it offers to the player level of customization like in no previous SH title How to use TDW Options File Editor Viewer with The Wolves of Steel Megamod. Unfortunately, there is not. You will also find scripted tutorials which can be played in Hystorical missions. Some tutorials support only SH5 Enhanced user interface UI. You can change UI style using Options file Editor Viewer app. GWX is product of a dedicated team, developed over officially patched, finished ,good game.

However, with WoS you can still rely on your other hydrophone apparatus GHG which is much more resistant. Disable patch for increased rendering distance of unit via TDW generic patcher if enabled, by defualt disabled i TWoS. However, the issue is not present when dealing with unprotected convoys, single warship and almost impossible to Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды when dealing with large convoys. TWoS campaign files are heavily modified to avoid this issue as much as possible.

TC up to x64 will drop to x1 only if enemy airplane has been detected This is important gameplay element because player now has to reveal ships affiliation by some other means other than TC drop ships behavior, markings, type, location, ect.

The "bug" is removed from the game By all means, yes All objectives are Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды date controlled Sure, enable this mod prior your campaign start With TC Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды or higher, TC will drop to x1 every time your watch crew detect something regardless of unit coalition enemy, neutral or even friendly.

Also players presence within 60 Km of traffic generator nodes mostly located in harbors will prevent game engine to spawn any convoys or units which can lead to potential campaign corruption, so you should stay well off any major allied ports. Use grid map tool Charts-Maps. The tool is resizable Changes in WoS files will simulate this to some extent by allowing players to take provisions only in ports which could support U-Boat operations and withing a certain time span And of course, talking with your crew but only once per patrol, and you already know that some "painful" questions can effect negatively crew moral, like if you ask Beno about his parents ect Use crew special abilities smartly and warily.

Keep in mind that most of the standalone mods outhere are incompatible with this expansion. When you wish to load individual gamesave or Historical mission, restart the game first. SH tends to "remember" some things from previous sessions which can effect stability and corrupt gamesaving function. They can easily become corrupted. Always make a new one and keep few recent, Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды in case This will improve game stability and unburden game engine for upcoming rendering "shocks".

German or any other menu. Press "E" key or notepad lookalike charts GUI button on the bar near right edge of the screen. Mark your target with "space" key and press small button placed on top of range TDC dial attack periscope and UZO stations only. Many players are accustomed to heavily overpowered stock deck gun where couple of HE shells will have almost the same effect as torpedo warhead, not going to happen with this expansion. Use deck gun to finish of targets that refuse to sink after torpedo attack or vice versa.

According to numerous historical sources, the best tactics against pursuing escorts are depth, silence and This is a well known issue with all SH games. Very useful for "Submarine school" training Tips for stable gameplay important :.

So far, there is no solution for this issue It also appears that it is less prone to some bugs and glitches and it definitely has higher FPS. You can switch UI style using Option File Editor Viewer app AI sonarmen can pick up contacts up to 60 km away but the range is depth and angle related. A bit more about Hydrophones in WoS. Diesel engines and batteries will be repairable but only up to certain level, depending of damage amount.

Max TC is limited to x for stability reasons, although I can not recommend anything higher than x in areas with dense air and sea traffic Baltic, coastal waters Withing the modpack is contained an awesome TDW User Options File Editor Viewer application.

But again, sometimes one must do what has to be done This means that you have sink a friendly unit from Axis coalition and your campaign is now over. You should be more careful when selecting targets next time Due to several engine and AI limitationsharbor raids in SH games are generally very unrealistic and they are commonly regarded as a cheap way to "pump up" your tonnage.

Patrol without any tonnage will lower your rating and your career will suffer consequences. Note also that skilled escorts will be able to hear noise of your diesel engines during night surface attacks on short to medium range.

This is important so pay special attention not to skip this date due to badly timed docking The end date of first "Coastal Waters" campaign is on 1st June"Happy Times" ends on 1st march ect. Check ending dates for other campaigns here. Now, there is a catch In this case, you should load your previous gamesave made before campaign chapter ending date and use one of these two methods this or this to trigger campaign transfer correctly campaign transfer screen should pop-up in the next few days of sim time For this method to work, the TDW patch which disables Uplay browser should be disabled by default in TWoS.

Save and reload the game. The "anchor" should appear then This will happen if base change date is skipped due to patrol ending. Then, start new patrol Game crashes some time after new patrol start, every time!. Probably a "faulty" unit Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды been spawned in your area. Use available "change Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды in bunker" tweaks in order to avoid problematic departure Silent hunter 5 чит коды на торпеды.

It is always good idea to make a manual gamesave in the bunker and restart the game before you start new patrol. Check this post too Complex crew interaction animations can sometimes cause game crash after longer playing sessions. Check his videossubscribe and share some comments!. Most of the standalone mods are incompatible with this expansion.

I order standard speed 3 but it only sets to slow ahead 2 and so on, it is always one speed setting behind the ordered one. Small side effect from one of the patches but your commands are accepted correctly, works much better with SH3 interface According to numerous interrogation reports Kristalldrehbasisgerat KDB apparatus was very vulnerable and exposing it to high pressure will most likely make the device unusable.

All days in bunker tweaks should be done prior your docking. In this megamod automatic target recognition is disabled due to somewhat unrealistic implementation. Optional Auto Target Recognition addon will restore your auto indent ship button but it will also effect your renown and realism percentage settings. In my opinion absolutely not! It is the best and the most realistic nautical navigation mod ever adopted for SH games and it will suit both experienced and new players.

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