Nikon af 35

The focus ring spins while the lens autofocuses. Be careful not to touch or turn it while in autofocus mode!. This is a jewel of Nikon af 35 small, fast sharp lens. I would leave the hood at home. Uncoated filters are much easier to clean, but more prone to ghosting. For color slides like Velvia 50I use an old Nikon A2 or new 52mm Hoya HMC 81A outdoors.

See Nikon 35mm Lenses Compared for my comparison among these Printed full-image at this size, these Nikon af 35 be about 42 x Nikon af 35 x 70cm prints, at least as seen on most DPI computer monitors. Nikon made both of these lenses from through This AF lens is sharper at the sides wide open, has less falloff and has none of the ghost problems of the manual focus lens for night shooting. Nikon made both the manual focus version up throighalong with Nikon af 35 AF lens To switch between auto and manual focus, you have to move the switch on your camera.

Responses on “Nikon af 35”

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