Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу

Here is my review:. I never saw Bruce as an unbeatable fighter, a legendary martial arts master, but he was more than just the movie entertainer.

The upper body movements are important as well, as they accompany attacking and defensive manoeuvres Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу maintain balance, but these all begin and end with the feet. He discusses the importance of learning to judge distance, and understanding fighting ranges, so that attacks can be executed properly and defence can be achieved through maintaining distance.

Feb 01, Toby rated it it was amazing. This book seems to lack a clear organisation and can sometimes be vague. I have still found it very useful in consolidating what I learn in a class setting. My rating says 5 stars because it personally means a lot to me, however its probably more like Here is my This book seems to lack a clear organisation and can sometimes be vague.

Most importantly to me, again he found that, like in boxing and fencing, mobility and footwork are the essence of fighting. Footwork is what allows you to evade attacks of your opponents, gain superior positioning through broken rhythm, creating angles and regulating distance.

He outlines in this book the numerous qualities that are important to cultivate in order to be in control of your techniques precision, coordination, endurance, balance, speed etc. He also explains the preliminaries of attacking feints, parries, manipulations.

Next he explains the preparations needed to set up attack, after which he puts forth numerous applications of the tools in attack. He discusses simple and Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу attacks, counter attack and time hits along with the riposte and renewed attacks.

There should be a natural flow to fighting, a reliance on instincts and trained movements, yet ultimately purposeful movements still must be calculated, thus his philosophy of maintaining "natural unnaturalness". However, since fighting is alive, there is always an inherent unpredictability to Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу, and the awareness of this is also important. It is also about understanding your own abilities and tendencies, and developing the flexibility to adapt to unforeseen situations.

What he sought out to do in response to the classical mess of martial arts was create a more applicable, constructive, and adaptable fighting method, based on the concepts of simplicity, directness and being alive. A scientific approach to fighting. The techniques Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу Jeet Kune Do are based on scientific principles of proper body structure and mechanics in delivery. His study into physics, anatomy, western boxing, various Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу martial arts and fencing allowed him to come up with simple movements for the weapons of attack that were effective in multiplying force and could be generated with speed, and to identify effective targets of attack.

We must drop our prejudice so that we can see clearly and build knowledge through practice that corresponds to various connections in our web of pre-existing knowledge.

You can learn from all different kinds of sources and call that JKD, and you can do what works for you. This is not the case. His philosophy means reality should be constructed through interaction and exploration, not by adhering to dogma.

Had he not died, he may have made a much more concise and comprehensive book. The insights are nevertheless irreplaceable and fundamental to my learning of the art.

He then proceeds in this book by deconstructing the classical mess of martial arts, which are embedded in tradition and rigid doctrine, rather than rooted in any real "alive" application. He sets out to show that styles are an organised despair, which actually put limitations on their practitioners.

I Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу him as an excellent teacher and philosopher. Bruce was so ahead of his time, as a martial artist and as a teacher.

He discusses the importance of timing, cadence and rhythm, in order to establish control over your opponents movements. Mobility establishes evasiveness and as the prime means of defence, which is constantly shown to be most effective compared Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу blocks.

The tactics of the application of these most basic attacks are discussed. Finally there are valuable discussions of the applications of these and various strategies in fighting explored in this book as they apply to different "types of fighters" or situations.

Many techniques are not effective in the delivery of power, are over-complicated, and not practical. Bruce wanted to be liberated of the authoritative discipline of passing down martial arts, of imitating forms that reflected some ideal rather than reality.

Bruce is also quick to explain that a fighter should never force himself into being on the offence or defence, but to seamlessly flow between attack and evasion by regulating distance with proper footwork to achieve an "aggressive defence".

Having proper structure was important in attack, but alignment and balance in motion established footwork as the key vehicle behind the generation of attacks, as it allowed the transfer of weight into the targets. Through sparring he discovered the need for techniques that were non-telegraphic and had economy of motion both to be effective and for conserving energy. These are simply the tools for fighting, and learning these is not sufficient. Bruce understood that there was a disconnect in practitioners who could execute techniques properly or who understood principles, and the actual application of these techniques in a fight.

If one adheres to these ideas alone, they simply become a mechanical fighter, who have failed to test themselves and learn strategies to adapt to situations. Thus, the next aspect of Jeet Kune Do that Bruce emphasised is the "alive" aspect. Through sparring, and drills that simulate real life situations, and through setting up an open learning environment that included multiple perspectives, Bruce tested the application of the techniques.

Bruce is extremely well researched and trained in fighting, and he breaks down the complexities of a fight well to show that, counter to the classical approach, the simple basics are all that is needed to seize and create opportunities. To Bruce, fighting is about being aware, reading situations and reactions, recognising tendencies and training to respond effectively through simple and direct means.

I see this contribution to martial arts as revolutionary, both in terms of the methods it presents for the martial arts, and the suggestions it has for how to practice and learn. I also see it as incomplete. I feel it lacks structure and clarity in some aspects, and that Bruce was still in the midst of his journey when writing this.

He criticises heavily the idea that learning depends on the absorption of fixed knowledge. Instead, he understood that learning must be done through application, experimentation, and ultimately adaptation to an alive and realistic environment.

All knowledge is ultimately self-knowledge, and we only can discover this through application, self-expression and evaluation. This is what certainly drew me into Bruce Lee. This view that learning is a constructive process, and not an end, Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу this comes through in the beginning of this book as he Jeet kune do брюс ли книгу his philosophy and mental approach to martial arts. He emphasises mindfulness, self-expression and adaptation in the learning process.

This philosophy is so essential to my practice of the martial arts, and even to some extent other areas of my life. Its liberating and also humbling and honest. You are not learning through imitation, you are not trying to encompass all into a system, you are simply adapting through exploration of your environment. You are not training to be the victor, to achieve some goal, you are not living for some higher meaning, you are simply in a state of constant learning, constant change.

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