Gone gone gone текст песни

Your hope dangling by a string. Je partagerai ta souffrance. Give Gone gone gone текст песни reasons to believe. Donne-moi des raisons de croire. That you would do the same for me. Que tu ferais pareil pour moi. And I would do it for you, for you. Et je le ferai Gone gone gone текст песни toi, pour toi. For you, for you. You would never sleep alone. Tu ne dormiras jamais seule. When you fall like a statue.

When life leaves you high and dry. If you need help, if you need help. Je mentirai, tricherai, je mendierai et soudoierai. To make you well, to make you well. Pour que tu ailles bien, tu ailles bien. When enemies are at your door.

Alors je le ferai pour toi, pour toi.

Put you on your feet, you on your feet. Te remettrai sur pieds, sur pieds. And if your well is Gone gone gone текст песни. Et si ton puits est vide. Not a thing will prevent me. Tell me what you need, what do you need. Dis-moi ce dont tu as besoin, ce dont tu as besoin. So I would do it for you, for you.

Responses on “Gone gone gone текст песни”

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