Devil sold his soul альбом empire

But then all this time I never saw the light. And I will never look back and regret a single moment of this amazing thing. I will take this moment with me to the end. A lost cause to want out. Always hoping for the best. Your intentions were never as good as our dream. I want everyone to know just how hard this is to keep on through the rain. The pride we hold to lose will not fall.

So you just hold on. I hate to be the one to watch if we fade away. But we never have a Devil sold his soul альбом empire route to choose. Broken light filters through the cracks. All paths lead to the grave. Never good enough for them. It was never as hard for them all. But if only we could push through these waves. We fall from the sun.

This is all too much to deal with, there is no clear path. As we fall to pieces everything erodes. My hands hold on to the rags that we have left. Seven of the longest years have lead to the greatest moments of my life. Appreciate the moments that are bad, because they will show everything else for what it really is. Truth be told I love this so fucking much. Honestly, I cannot think anywhere that I would rather be. Moving forwards we will hold on and we will never lose our grip.

Your mistakes are too great to count. You cannot illuminate the path. We cannot make this alone. Pull out defences and let it in. Will you even Devil sold his soul альбом empire You can only fall down.

I once thought that I would know the time just to give it up. You hold more than you think you do. The things we love the most. But you break once it settles down. Devil sold his soul альбом empire hurt and you hate the thought of never again.

Are we holding our breath? Withered heart to break through the dark. Give me strength to fight back. Another chance has passed us by.

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