100 сохранение gta sa ios

Everything else that you will find in this Mobile Save is NOT identical to what I have for PS2. These are all different from my PS2 Save Thanks to UltimaRisingPhoenix for the newly discovered EC Mutant BF I actually wanted to get this on PS2, but I totally forgot about it until after I passed "Just Business. The AP Sultan is obtained in this Mobile Save. This Special Vehicle alone was enough to get me into the Mobile Version and ultimately buying it Finally, the nightmare is over.

But since I was not going for any of those Special Vehicles in this Mobile Save, I kept it at 0. SA was the only GTA before I finished this Mobile Save that I had any deaths in, so now I finally have a Save with 0 for the Death Stat The Unique RC Goblin is more of a "Trophy" as well as the AP Tanker Trailer. The RC Goblin can only be looked at in your garage. It can only be pulled by a Tanker His Starter Save is as complete as it can be and Because of his Starter Save, it gave me the inspiration to do this Save File I am posting now on Mobile.

Without his help, I probably never would of did another playthrough As you can see, I have the BP Tanker in my Mobile Save. I also have it in my PS2 Save. The reason for getting it again is because it kinda goes hand in hand with the AP Tanker Trailer, which I wanted to get in my Mobile Save. Furthermore, you can fail "Tanker 100 сохранение gta sa ios only ONE time while getting both the BP Tanker and AP Tanker Trailer, so I did this in my Mobile Save.

You Will Not Find This Vehicle in Traffic Ever and Nowhere Else in the Entire Game. Notes on Special Vehicles Obtained and Converted Before I get started, I should state the reason for doing this Save File on Mobile. SA is my favorite GTA Game in the Series. Other than LCS, it contains the MOST Special Vehicles found in a single GTA Game. In my PS2 Save, I was going for THE BEST Special Vehicles in the entire Game. This Mobile Save is basically a "continuation" of my PS2 Save, except it will NOT contain any of the Special Vehicles from my PS2 Save, except 1 Noted Below.

Lastly, the AP Feltzer is from Millie as a Jealous Girlfriend in my Mobile Save. Photos 100 сохранение gta sa ios All 28 Special Vehicles Obtained in My Save File

All the Special Vehicles are 100 сохранение gta sa ios different from my PS2 Save. Combining both Saves, I have all of 100 сохранение gta sa ios Special Vehicles I want, basically. Unlike my PS2 Save, this Mobile Save also has 0 Deaths. My 100 сохранение gta sa ios Save has 4 because 4 Special Vehicles required a death to obtain them.

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