Wild guns читы

Battle on the Armored Train. Unlock all colors for Bullet. Defeat the boss of Carson City. Carnage in Carson City. Unlock all colors for Clint. Unlock all colors for Doris.

Beat Wild guns читы Player on Hard without using any continues. Defeat the boss of Desolation Canyon. Showdown in Desolation Canyon. Beat Single Player on Normal without using any continues.

Complete each Wild guns читы to get the specified Trophy. Defeat the boss in the Ammunition Depot. Amok in the Ammunition Depot. Unlock all colors for Annie. Defeat the boss of the Flying Ship. Battle in the Sky. Defeat the boss on the Armored Train.

Defeat the boss in the Gold Mine. Beat Single Player Wild guns читы Easy without using any continues. Beat Single Player on Hard with all characters without using any continues. Defeat the boss of the Underground. Beat Single Player on Normal with all characters without using any continues. Beat Single Player on Easy with all characters without using any continues.

Responses on “Wild guns читы”

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