Wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек

Flo will vote for Veronica if you brought to her an evidence that Schwag is a slave trader. Clean his shop in the side quest named "Help George and Martha rid their new store of pests". Give him photos which you may find in the safe in the north part of the location.

He may also unlock a side quest focused on finding evidences against Malediction Mayweather tell him that you want to join to his Church of Inquiring. Return through the tunnel to Hollywood and Veronica. Tell Veronica that McDade loves her. Ascension himself will appear and they both will offer you to make a peace between the Church and the Chamber. If you want to do that you have to let Veronica take over the Chamber and also help Ascension to take over the Bastion.

Help Heidi take over the Bastion of Faith. Stop Heidi before she has a chance at vengeance. Cement the peace between Hollywood and the Bastion by freeing the penitents and wiping out the salt dealers and the slavers. Find Ascension McDade in Hollywood. Help Ascension McDade Retake The Bastion. Next Hollywood - quests Miscellaneous Prev Hollywood - locations Hollywood sewers. Get e-book version of this Guide:.

Wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек will not be a special challenge for you. Also, you will be able to rob the store by the Observatory exit, but do not take all - the amount of gear there may render your allies unable to move. You an loot the store with impunity, but do this wisely. For example, you can load all of your party up, with the exception of one character, thanks to which you will still be able to fast-travel between locations, return to Hollywood and sell everything you can.

After you clear the interior, use the main entrance. Outside, you will have to fight knight remnants. There are quite a few of them there and they have decent levels of CON.

He will suggest you to use the secret entrance behind the pile of rocks which you have used before to get to the Observatory fast and to kill Jones. Do as he says. Inside you will have to clean this area from a bunch of priests.

To help Veronica get rid of Heidi you wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек to have at least three votes in the voting. Go to the members of the council and try to persuade them to vote for Wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек. Schwag or Flo wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек you have killed Schwag.

After you clear the Observatory yard, go right. At the entrance into the Radio station, there are three nights more and two turrets. The final stage is the radio tower guarded by a group of gunmen and a meson cannon.

Also, they pack a meson cannon, which is why you should remember about explosives and remember to haste, to avoid getting hit a powerful energy projectile.

Either kill the guard or open the door and let the trap do this for you. After that, use Perception to find a lever which will open a hidden door. Inside you can find a safe from which you can take a key to the salt laboratory. Use the entrance to sewers. Go towards north and open a door to a laboratory with your key. You can also find a key when you will fix a toaster of a crazy uncle Vilpula nearby or you can just hack through the door. Inside you will find a group of junkies, Heidi and a Synth who is the biggest threat among them.

Also, this will open the nearby safe. After you have killed everyone, return to Veronica. Veronica will ask you to meet with Ascension who will close to the gate leading to Los Feliz. He will tell you that meanwhile Retribution Jones led the coup and took over the church.

Accept the quest and follow Jason who will leave the shop. He will meet some Synth near the entrance to the observatory. Rambeau will vote for Veronica even if you will not bring him Jason. After you will succeed to provide at least three wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек you can go back to Veronica. Heidi wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек Synth in sewers.

The enemies will quickly cluster together. Use this to your advantage and deal with them using wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек. Hurry to destroy the cannon, before it is fully charged. You can also ignore knights in front of the Observatory gate. After truce between the Salvation Church and Hollywood is signed, they become neutral to you.

If you want to make this battle wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек you can go to the sewers earlier and clearing the laboratory form junkies. In this case you will fight only with Synth and Heidi. If you have not done that anyways, stay away, within a safe distance and serve the opponent a rocket. A well-aimed RPG will deal with everyone, apart from the synth, who loses almost all CON, as a result.

If you will use your skill first Smart Ass 7 and later Hard Ass 10 or Kiss Ass 8 you can unlock the quest which requires you to deliver to her any evidence for the existence of slavery in Hollywood. The fight with Fast and his people.

Speak with Fast who will notice an extraordinary talent of Rangers and will offer them a visit in his office where he helps new stars to rise.

You can also speak with Flo who will ask you to wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд сломленный человек him at the cemetery to tell you something important about Fast. First you have to hack the door although Schwag and his people will attack you after a short conversation. The group is only three men strong and they are wearing weak armors, but have high CON and quite decent weapons, so do not be surprised if they give you some beating.

If you will show the diary to Flo she will become a new owner of the pub. You can now go to the Veronica with an evidence. Veronica will ask you to deliver an evidence to Heidi. Veronica will be fired and Heidi will begin her preparations to attack the Church.

When McDade will become a leader of Bastion you may return to Veronica. Go to the elections to the room on left of the main room in Chamber. Heidi will run away and Veronica will ask you to find her. Go to her bedroom behind the rooms where you was talking with Veronica before.

She will ask your team to help her and the Chamber defeat the Bastion of Faith. The secret entrance to the Bastion of Faith. In the north part of this location close to the a little TV and Matthias you will find a pile of rocks. Your Perception skill may help you discover that behind these rocks is a passage. Use explosives you can buy them form Rambeau to open it. Go inside and you will reach the Griffith Observatory. Ask him about Veronica and he will confess and ask you to go to her and tell her the truth.

He will vote for Veronica if you will complete for him a short side quest. You need to find out who steals his weapons.

Help Heidi Hollander find out if Mistress Veronica is in love. Bring evidence of slavery in Hollywood to Mistress Veronica. Rambeau says that if we want him to vote for Veronica, we must help him find out who is stealing his guns.

Before you return to the Observatory, remember to free the penitents and talk about it to Maggie. A peace between the Church and the Chamber. They will sign a peace between the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and the Salvation Church. Heidi will ask you to conquer the Bastion of Faith. Lovers will escape from Hollywood.

Prev Hollywood - locations Hollywood sewers. The main plot in Hollywood you will begin by speaking in the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce with Heidi Hollander. You can also find Veronica in the Chamber in the room on right of Heidi. She is definitely bothered with something although she does not trust Rangers enough to share with this topic.

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