Wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд красная кнопка

Prev Hollywood - locations Hollywood. Every locked and secured with trap, like doors which leads here. In toaster are only random, not valuable things. Two junkies will be guarding it. After pushing him ground will shake, but nothing more happens. Key points of Wasteland 2 - Hollywood sewers. Places, items, peoples - main plot. Points of interest, element not connected with plot. Places, items, peoples - secondary quests. Treasures chests, safes, buried stashes. The best way to reach the sewers is through the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.

Next Hollywood - quests The War between the Chamber of Commerce and Bastion of Faith Prev Hollywood - locations Hollywood. Get e-book version of this Guide:.

After you will get inside the building you should go to the room on the right, then upstairs and then open a door using the Lockpicking skill. On the wall behind the guard you will find a secret switch which will open a secret bedroom you need wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд красная кнопка use your Perception skill. In the bedroom you will find an entrance to sewers. There will also be a safe with the key to the salt laboratory inside. The second entrance you can find wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд красная кнопка the Hotel California although owners of this place will not really like the idea of helping you.

During the exploration, do not run ahead blindly because you may run into single traps - mines with laser targeting system mounted wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд красная кнопка walls.

You will be attacked if you will be to stubborn with your requests. Wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд красная кнопка first you will fight with three enemies and you will have to destroy the close wall with explosives if you want to kill the receptionist. After that there will also be another two guards next to the entrance to sewers. One of them is The Beast with a minigun and the other one is The Mini Beast with a mini minigun. In sewers you will find mostly a local junkies however not all of them will be hostile.

Responses on “Wasteland 2 прохождение голливуд красная кнопка”

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