Silent hunter 3 ship mod русская

She was ft long and roughly ft tall. One mine explosion ripped a hole in her side. She sank in 58 mins. For instance, I engaged a destoryer that was coming up astern to attack me in the Pacific. I put a single torpedo into the engine room just aft of the funnel. She was dead in the water and took close to 10 mins before she sank.

In the end I do agree, we need realistic sink time and flooding but we also need "destoryed" markers before the ship sinks. Not everyone will be able Silent hunter 3 ship mod русская stay around the area for the time it takes a ship to Silent hunter 3 ship mod русская.

Originally posted by walsh Ian Hunter Bell, RCNVR was hit and sunk in in the English Channel. In the program the survivors said from hearing the trop exploding and the ship going under was 30 seconds. Thing is though a Corvette isnt that big of a "warship". She is bigger than a PT boat, but how ever not more than Ft longer. The PT Boats were roughly 80 Ft in length, the flower Corvette how ever was just ft in length.

Especially if youre being chased by escorts.

So to have Silent hunter 3 ship mod русская Flower Corvette sink in 30 seconds isnt that un beliveable. But to have a 50, ton passengership at ft in length and almost ft tall to sink in 30 seconds is kinda fast. Example would be the 60, ton HMHS Britannic in WWI.

Responses on “Silent hunter 3 ship mod русская”

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