Mysql driver for windows

Data Source Name : Input a valid name of the data source to access. Description : Input some text to identify the connection. Mysql driver for windows default, it is localhost. User : Input the user name to use for this connection. Password : Mysql driver for windows the corresponding password for this connection. Database : The database Mysql driver for windows should automatically populate with the list of databases that the user has permissions to access.

See the following example. Step-1 : Be sure that your MySQL server is running. Here we are using MySQL 5. Step-2 : Create a new worksheet.

Here we are using Microsoft Office Excel Step-5 : Now select databases and tables. Step-8 : Select how you want to view this data in your workbook e. Table, PivotTable Report etc.

The basic installation process is same for both installers. Now follow the following steps :. License agreement : Read the license agreement, either accept or deny. Accept the terms of the license agreement. Now the wizard is ready to begin the installation. The installation process has completed, now we will configure the ODBC connections. Step-3 : Now you need to configure the Mysql driver for windows fields for the DSN you are creating through the Connection Parameters dialog.

MySQL ODBC drivers provide access to a MySQL database in a heterogeneous environment using the industry standard Open Database Connectivity ODBC API. Make sure your Microsoft Data Access Components MDAC are up to date. Download the latest version from Microsoft Download Center. Binary or Source Installation Method :. The binary method is easy which is a bundle of necessary libraries and other files pre-built, with an installer program.

To use Secure Sockets Layer SSL when communicating with MySQL server you must specifiy the following additional information. You can use Microsoft Excel, Word to access information from a MySQL database using ODBC. Within Microsoft Excel or Word there are facilities to import data from MySQL database.

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