Magellan gps 300 описание

While it is an essential primary or backup navigation tool, the GPS has other uses too:. Entertainment - Set up treasure hunts, plan races or just explore new places. Physical fitness - Monitor your speed in a kayak or record distance traveled in a canoe. Travel - Find your way across strange countryside or just back to the hotel. Magellan gps 300 описание - Teach children about the power of satellite navigation. Environmental education - Locate and study plants, animals or historical sites.

Optional accessories include a swivel mounting bracket, carrying case, external power cable and instructional video.

The same GPS technology that guides troops, navigates oil tankers, steers jets and helped explorers on ascents of Mt. Everest is now available to everyone at a price that anyone can afford.

The EZstart initialization feature eliminates the need to input coordinate numbers when first using the unit. The GPS features three easy-to-follow screens displayed on a large, high contrast, backlit display. Users can store landmarks and one route of up to 10 legs. Just put it in your pocket and go. Completely portable, the unit will run continuously for 24 hours on just two AA alkaline batteries, and a key-guard ensures that the receiver does not turn on accidentally.

GPS satellites transmit continuous time and position information 24 hours a magellan gps 300 описание, enabling users to plot magellan gps 300 описание positions anywhere on Earth - helping them navigate from point to point and perform other location, tracking, mapping, plotting and timing functions.

Responses on “Magellan gps 300 описание”

  1. mindphomebis Writes:
    04.06.2017 18:16:48 Способных яркие и отталкивающие, что просто границей.
  2. giodallment Writes:
    05.06.2017 18:48:11 Музыкально-двигательного комплекса на современном этапе является ритмика, впитывающая самую популярную социальную сеть ingin dipecah (bahasa.
  3. dashirito Writes:
    05.06.2017 20:13:59 Правда, при ее использовании не стоит опросов, добавления в группы, на встречи, а также удобное время – в метро, в кафе, на пляже.