Brooks kubik bags barrels and beyond

Thanks for the inspiration. Once again, thank you for being a positive voice, inspiration, mentor and most importantly, A FELLOW DINOSAUR! I follow it religiously I have never found so much good advice in one book before.

Thank you for giving us something to hang our hats on. After reading your book and the works of Doug Hepburn we are now training with renewed intensity Your book helped me figure that out.

Barbells, barrels, stones, and car pushing make life good. I enjoy and look forward to each training session. Your book supplies me with major motivation. I browse through it at least four times a week. Sensible, no bull, and an emphasis on hard training--just what we need!

He has known of my lifting pursuits for some time and he recently caught the "bug. I let him read my copy of Dinosaur Training and several of your articles, and he devoured them. You have become his favorite author. When I finished watching it and I had to drop you a note telling you what a GREAT JOB you did with it!. I was so fired up after watching it that I ran down to my basement gym at PM and hoisted a few myself dumbbells, that is.

The Dinosaur strength-endurance circuit you mentioned at the end of the tape was excellent. I have utilized versions of that training over the years and have found it to be very effective Again, thanks for the video. Enjoyed it thoroughly, and it is a great motivator For a long time I thought I was alone in my beliefs of sensible training, and then one day I came across your book and found that there are people out there like me.

My body weight went from lbs. I added almost 40lbs. I finished squatting x20! I never imagined I could do that. I played arena football for the Louisville Fire last year and I wish I knew about you then. Thank you again for everything you have done to the Brooks kubik bags barrels and beyond of real men and true Brooks kubik bags barrels and beyond training.

The book is great. Thanks for the ideas. It is nice to see someone advocate hard work and ass-kicking brutal routines and training sessions.

Thanks to some of the training principles in your book I have made leaps and bounds in terms of strength and size. It was inspirational and extremely well written. It has inspired me to train at a higher intensity level, but rationally. Being a United States Marine, I am no stranger to "intense, harsh training I just Brooks kubik bags barrels and beyond two questions, where are all my training partners? And, can you point me to the power rack?

Keep up the good work! There are plenty of us that want this type of training. I found it to be inspiring and a great read. I was disappointed when I got to the end.

Thanks for writing a no-nonsense book for REAL men. Keep up the great work. At 59 years of age, I feel great, even after being exhausted by my lifting sessions. You have to keep at it. I love your attitude about lifting and about life. After reading your Brooks kubik bags barrels and beyond I began Dinosaur training along with the 6 week 20 rep squat program.

I have greatly improved my strength and endurance in six short months. I reached a PR pound squat in competition drug-freeat lbs. Just wanted to say thank you. Keep up the good work. The boys here really hate the thought of me finding new ways to torture them!. Since then I have taken in Brooks kubik bags barrels and beyond punishing and wonderful training sessions. My strength is climbing every week.

Black Hills State University. Holy buckets, that was fun! Great stuff, and GREAT lifting. Some very good ideas on incorporating this type of lifting with groups of athletes.

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