Awolnation sale текст песни

Sometimes I have felt down in the dumps, and overwhelmed in life, but not because of ADD although, yes it does add to stress sometimes but every "normal" human feels that way at times. ADD is an attention deficit disorder! I think you are the one who has an intellectual disorder!. OH and ADD people are not callous! I know this from experience! I have struggled alot because of this personally. However, none of this has gotten in the way of my relationships with people! Only school and housework.

Flag stollatpolak on October 23, Flag averyleb on November 20, I think you are all freaking retarded!!!! I have ADD and trust me it does NOT make me want to Awolnation sale текст песни myself.

It can deprive you of sleep if you take it at night and then all sorts of crazy side effects happen! The times i felt the most out of hand, crazy I hate life I am overwhelmed I want to kill myself is when Awolnation sale текст песни was using the medication like a drug! Any one taking drugs would feel the same! Flagged justtosay on December 14, Flagged xXenahsXx on March 09, StarBar I think you hit the nail on the head.

I just want to say that starbar hit it right on the head. ADD is a specail thing as well. We have allot of strengths that other people Awolnation sale текст песни die to have.

They are essentially wired directly. Intellectual disability is a below-average cognitive ability with three 3 characteristics:. Intelligent quotient or I. Significant limitations in adaptive behaviors the ability to adapt and carry on everyday life activities such as self-care, socializing, communicating, etc. The onset of the disability occurs before age Flag RoseTeaCup on December 07, Flag thelonerboner on January 10, It would be very ironic if a person incapable of expressing his feelings of love being intuitive enough to find fault with that.

I also agree with madpauly that people with ADHD are sometimes smarter, more creative, and in most cases misunderstood versus what society considers "normal" people. Flag kingsmalls on May 25, The person who is commenting on ADD and it screwing with how one shows love is grossly overthinking it - I have ADD and its attention deficit disorder, not Asburgers or Autism. I have no problems expressing my love, nor do other folks.

Flag mandafitz on April 24, StarBar So, this is years later but your interpretation was alright I suppose.

Flagged mitch77 on March 31, Instead they have created several branches under ADHD that, if diagnosed, you might fall under. As someone who suffers with ADHD myself not so much the hyperactive but the inattentive side of it I agree with StarBar that it is an intellectual disability.

And yeah lol defs not an intellectual disability XD. Flag Fiftyfifth on February 20, StarBar are you academically trained on the human mind at all, because if so. To critique your reply Iyou nailed: "needless verbosity, Awolnation sale текст песни, close mindedness, and general unawareness" Or how the other person feels I have experienced so many people in my lifetime taking the liberty of saying how other people are supposed to act emotionally. Well this comment sure did go south. Flag CaptSibigeu on December 14, My IQ isliterally twice that of someone with an intellectual disability.

I also have very severe ADHD. It was so bad that I was diagnosed with bipolar at Awolnation sale текст песни point, which actually led to a schizophrenia diagnosis. I grew up in an abusive household, and my Awolnation sale текст песни was untreated throughout my teenage years.

I relate very much so. Flag disruptfx on June 03, I in fact have ADD which is why i feel i can really connect with this song because it is very frusturating at times. ADD is a learning disability and it makes it extremely hard to focus. Flagged SailblameitonmyADD on June 18, Blame it on the D M T. Blame it on the A B C. DO Awolnation sale текст песни DO da DO DO DO.

And Fiftyfith, how high were you when you wrote your comment?? And found myself thinking How high was I when I wrote this if Awolnation sale текст песни thought I was snorting ritalin Thoroughly enjoyed returning to this chat Revisited "Sail" while I read.

Flag dadirty on October 10, I being ADD, think that star bar hit the nail right on the head. The shitty part of this song is that every single part of it i am going threw on a daily basis.

Flagged Jvarner77 on May 25, As a person who has ADHD I can understand what starbar is trying to say. Flagged marfoosa on August 25, I have ADHD too and StarBar nailed it in my opinion. Personally I enjoy being complimented and such, but my wife could care less for the most part. She needs actions to feel loved. In many relationships including mine, those seem things that you mentioned like not being able to keep a steady job, turn into issues of love.

If Kingsmalls feels how he does, he might have other issues than ADD ADHDand it might behoove him to go see a clinical psychologist to see if he suffers from chronic depression, something that would cause the symptoms he is expressing.

Flag eddobson on January 18, Agree with everything in the explanation but the last bit. He ponders these things but his conclusion is the always same Awolnation sale текст песни blame it on his ADD and then sail right on. Spot on really; try as you might, sometimes its just not possible to behave the way people want you to exactly because you have a condition, but nothings stopping them from accepting Awolnation sale текст песни for who you are.

Flagged ac1dtrip on June 01, Flag seahen on July 13, Flag date on September 29, Interesting interpretation except for stating ADD is an intellectual disability. ADHD or ADD is NOT an intellectual disability or disorder.

The Author of the song wrote it in less than 45 minutes because he has ADD. He shows his love through music, made this song in his mind because of his ADD and his ability to shift his thoughts and compose. He compares his music to angels cries. Could have been singing but that would have been harder to rhyme. Of course all these thoughts are the result of his ADD. His thoughts shift through Awolnation sale текст песни things, cry for help or kill myself, Awolnation sale текст песни roads to take.

Flag Fiftyfifth on February 16, Song MeaningYour taking it to literally. Blame it on my "ADD"".

This song is just, extremely relatable to me. As a fellow musician, I have the upmost respect for Aaron. Flag Akaashik on Awolnation sale текст песни 18, I to suffer from ADHD and can totally relate. And I do feel that it is true that we somehow seem to show our love differently and it is hard for others to understand. I find myself constantly hitting repeat button on this song.

It did have some good points except for basically calling everyone with ADHD retarded. Awolnation sale текст песни must Awolnation sale текст песни either deleted a post or he went back and heavily edited the one that exists here now.

The only thing that makes relationships hard is not telling people you have ADD. Also, ADD medication is a stimulant and can be abused like anyother drug.

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