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CJ then pursues Officer Tenpenny, who dies when his stolen Fire Truck careens off the side of the overpass over Grove Street. Neighborhoods and areas include:.

The city is torn apart over the issue of gang warfare. The Grove Street Families and Ballas constantly spar over total dominance in GantonIdlewoodJeffersonWillowfieldand even East Los Santos. Inpolice officers Frank Tenpenny and Eddie Pulaski of C. Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums are charged with murder and sexual 3d карту для гта сан андреас, after their extensive corruption becomes blatantly obvious, even to the general public. However, Pulaski had 3d карту для гта сан андреас been murdered by CJ in the Arco del Oeste area prior to those events, after he and Tenpenny, who were using CJ to do their dirty work, decide there is no more use for him.

Alone at the court hearing, however, Tenpenny is released when the prosecutor inexplicably drops all charges. The entire city, outraged that Tenpenny walks free from horrendously heinous charges of which he is obviously guilty, erupts in riots.

Night view of Los Santos. Tensions between rival Hispanic gangs, Varrios Los Aztecas and Los Santos Vagosalso threaten the tenuous hold with which GSF clings to its territories. However, due to the betrayal of senior members Big Smoke and RyderGSF leader Sweet Johnson is arrested and CJ is run out of town by C.

This is a reenactment of the L. Riots also known as the Rodney King Riots after the release of the police officers that brutally beat up Rodney King. During the ensuing chaos, CJ kills cocaine drug lord and former ally Big Smoke.

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