Wasteland 2 прохождение дамонта карта

He and his crew need access to water, but the facility they need to get it from has been taken over by robots.

Two women named Hopi and Magee are trapped in Wasteland 2 прохождение дамонта карта workshop in the northeast part of town. If you manage to repair the bot, it will follow you around and act as a friendly Discobot.

You can either intimidate him into doing what you want, or you can then make your way to the airplane graveyard at the north end of town. Once you Wasteland 2 прохождение дамонта карта your way through the robotic army, head northeast towards the hangar at the airport. He is performing surgery on Bihn, transforming her into a synthetic as well. He is surrounded by Wasteland 2 прохождение дамонта карта guardians, and will blow up Bihn if the Rangers do not do as he says. Inside a cage at the back of the hangar is Lexicanum, a man who was already experimented on by Tinker.

Jill Yates and her crew have been cornered in Damonta and need some help. They offer to have Bert join your group to help find her cows, which ran off when they were attacked. The cows are at the very northern edge of the map, next to the airplane graveyard.

He is willing to join your party to extract revenge on the synthetics who did this to him. He will then grant you access to the radio tower, so you can finally connect the Repeater Unit.

October 6, - 2 years 8 months ago. Damonta is a small trading town north of the Temple of Titan that has been taken over by robots. The Rangers must fight their way to the radio tower to attach the Repeater Unit, and have the option to save the town in the process. When you first enter Damonta, it will quickly become clear that the town has been abandoned. Shortly thereafter, the Rangers learn the town has been overtaken by robots, which you must fight your way through.

On the north end of town, Hector and Carla Nguyen are looking for their daughter Bihn, who is missing in the town. She has been taken by Tinker in the hangar at the northeast end of the town.

Inside the airplane in the south of town, Red Baychowski is trapped by robots and needs help. He offers to split it with you if you manage to find it. A man named Werewolf Wally is locked up in a building next to the radio tower in the center of town. He asks that you save the town from the robots, which have been attacking from the airplane graveyard nearby. Only then will he grant you access to the tower. This side-quest can be skipped if you have Wasteland 2 прохождение дамонта карта Ass level 5 or Smart Wasteland 2 прохождение дамонта карта level Clyde the water trader once again is in need of aid.

Go left at the first fork in the road, and then keep to the right. Go around the train, and make your way to the radio tower. Fight off the robots outside the radio control center, and speak with Werewolf Wally, who asks you to save the town.

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