Simple grid шаблон

Be sure to nest columns Simple grid шаблон a. You may also choose to nest rows within a. The download package now contains an SCSS file for those who prefer SASS as well. Simple Grid uses Lato from Google Fonts as a base font-family.

Font-size is based on root rem units.

All the code you need is simple and familiar. Simply state the Simple grid шаблон of columns you want your content to occupy in the. For example, if you want your content to take up 8 columns out of 12simply give your content the class. Simple grid is built mobile-first, so all columns will expand to the full container width on smaller screens. For example, if you want to have two blocks of content floating side-by-side on small screens, each would be given the class name.

Responses on “Simple grid шаблон”

  1. alevstocin1988 Writes:
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  2. dzukinniguro Writes:
    23.05.2017 14:34:15 Комбинируя различные ярлыки мама еще с 2010 года смотрит.