Roll jordan roll текст песни

Rollover Jordan, roll roll Jordan, roll Jordan. Well my sister, you ought to been there now. Sister, you ought to been there. My sister, you ought to been there. Well my brother, you ought to Roll jordan roll текст песни there now. Brother, you ought to been there.

I want to go to heaven when I die. To hear Jordan roll roll, roll, roll 2x. Now brother, you ought to been there. A sitting in the kingdom. Well, roll Jordan, roll roll Jordan. Roll Jordan, roll roll Jordan, roll Jordan.

Well my mother, you ought to been there. Mother, you ought to been there. My mother, you ought to been there. Oh you can see it roll, better roll, better roll roll Jordan, roll Jordan. Well my mother, you ought to been there oh yes.

My brother, you ought to been there.

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