Qos и torrent

Moving any client computer you can, from WiFi to wired connection, will not only improve connectivity for the newly wire connected machine, but also for the remaining WiFi machines, due to relief of contention for WiFi. The WRT54GS came in several hardware revisions versions ; if you have an earlier version with 32MB of RAM and 8MB flash, you can use 3rd party software like DD-WRT or Tomato to give you some advanced load balancing features via software. Later hardware revisions with 16MB RAM, and 4MB or even 2MB flash are all supported by DD-WRTbut with less memory to work with, you may have to pick feature subsets important for your situation.

Oh, and forwarding the BitTorrent ports to her IP will probably make the situation worse as far as I understand it as it will enable the client to communicate with other external computers more efficiently and transfer more data per qos и torrent. Whoops, looks like the screenshot I linked to was for HyperWRT firmware, rather than the stock version you are using.

The easiest for some definition of "easy" way to do this is to reflash your wrt54gs firmware with an alternative like dd-wrt or tomato, both of which give you much greater control over what goes in and out of your network. I should have added, most torrent software defaults to the port rangeso just try blocking those first and see if it solves your problem.

I even ran a QRS test on the subnets and even they came up null! It seems like maybe some torrent traffic is slowing down the network".

Another QoS strategy is to prioritize the good traffic, instead of trying to ferret out which ports the bad traffic is using. I have this kind of setup on my own home brew router, using a simple HTB?

Tomato only works on hardware revisions 1 through Is she technically inclined? If not, try talking to her but dropping some jargon in there. Something like "I ran a PCP on the UDP packet network this morning and, man, my LSD packets and way below normative.

Incidentally--have your other housemates noticed these network problems?. You could simply block the ports commonly used by qos и torrent traffic, toat the router. Even my ancient Netgear router allows port and service blocking. Of course, port blocking is an all-or-nothing qos и torrent to the problem. Forgot to add above:. Basically a Cisco firmware feature for automatically identifying and prioritizing audio, video, and voice traffic connections, while delaying all other traffic when such connections are being prioritized.

If you are determined to manage this without her involvement then it might be worth installing DD-WRT on the router google search for it. It has the extra capability that you can limit speeds to certain IP addresses and you will at least be able to monitor how much data each qos и torrent is using at certain times.

The result is that your upstream ends up filled to capacity by bitstream uploads, which slows down the acknowledgment of incoming data for qos и torrent browsing, which slows down incoming browsing, a lot.

You need to flash it with something better to get the features you need to combat this problem. With DD-WRT for example you can qos и torrent fixed DHCP mappings so that each MAC address gets qos и torrent same address each time, and then qos и torrent can shape qos и torrent IP address. Just as a warning, is it your name on the Comcast Cable account? If qos и torrent is brazen enough to fill the pipe up with Torrent traffic and by brazen, Qos и torrent might also mean cluelessthere is a real possibility of the account holder receiving a legal notice from Comcast or third parties.

The other problem is that bittorrent tends to keep lots of connections open. The router has to keep track of these connections and doing so can eat in to the available memory and CPU of the router, which can cause problems qos и torrent well.

Instead of playing games with percentages of bandwidth and all of that, it simply separates traffic into those three categories, and passes any packets that are in the first queues first, and the rest of the traffic after that. As long as you make the categories in a sane manner, everyone gets everything they need. TCP will handle shaping the flows after that. Most home Internet connections are asymmetrical, they can download faster qos и torrent they can upload.

The first qos и torrent is to talk to your roommate and do some experiments to see if she is indeed causing the problem.

Cheap and easy would be to get another wireless router, plug it in as a client to the existing one, and tell her to connect to that one. Just putting her on her own wireless "network" might clear things up. If it still is bad, my experience with dd-wrt QoS is that it is easiest to prioritize traffic by physical port or by MAC address. Just make your MAC addresses higher than hers, and things will work better.

Works, so-so, depending on the kinds of traffic you generate, and whether the Cisco firmware recognizes it correctly. The No Acknowledgement setting, if you use WMM at all, just allows the router to use UDP protocol over WiFi for streaming media, instead of the higher overhead, handshaked TCP protocol, so the router will do no resends of dropped packets on WiFi, and thus spend less radio time and internal CPU effort tracking and responding to all the TCP handshakes with WiFi clients.

My school had a Hell of a time when a bunch of students started using Netflix and Hulu. Because of this, the only adult way to handle it is to talk to her. I do however, suggest that merely qos и torrent with the person and letting her know that her web activity is affecting everyone else in the house negatively is probably going to be your most qos и torrent and mutually beneficial tack, provided you both are reasonable people.

If she is, then ask her to limit her upload bandwidth to something under the upload speed of your connection, and to keep total connections down to or something. Do it by IP or MAC address. This qos и torrent is closed to new comments.

But yeah, if you can, it may be much easier just to talk to her about voluntarily reducing her bandwidth during peak access times. One of the biggest qos и torrent is probably as qos и torrent above the wireless leg of the network.

Have you tried a wired connection to the router?. My cable modem allows me to check the incoming signal strength, and a large negative dB was a good indication that there were issues in the cable coming to the house.

But without access to her computer, can I get this information?. Other details that may or may not be relevant:. There are no direct wired connections to the router. Is there anything else that I should try? What you want to do is set QOS at the protocol level and drop the P2P traffic into a low rate class.

The easiest option in this situation is probably to actually talk to her. I know you said you only want to do qos и torrent if it is absolutely necessary, but it will save you a whole lot of technical hassle if you can come to an agreement.

Even with DD-WRT, QoS settings will be of minimal help with high-bandwidth torrenting. You might also want to consider getting a new router. You could also take advantage of the faster protocol.

You might even want to first make sure that it is indeed her behavior that is causing this issue before confronting her. You could ask her to please limit the upload qos и torrent which should be easy through her client. That may solve your problem. The bigger issue, though, with someone doing all that, is if any of it is illegal you could end up taking the hit on it. You may want to be forward about that, too. If so, you may be able qos и torrent reserve a DHCP IP address for that MAC, which will essentially give her a fixed network IP.

If you do decide to go with a firmware upgrade and your router supports it - check the label with the serial number and FCC noticesthen this guide might well help - it is specifically talking about setting up QoS on a WRT54GS using OpenWRT. Find out what IP address your housemate is assigned by the qos и torrent. My linksys router will allow me to block an IP for a certain window of time during the day or totally. You would use it if you had a qos и torrent server running on your laptop and wanted to get to it from some other place.

At the same time, BitTorrent trackers are often set to kick out people who fall below a certain ratio of upoads to downloads, and the bit torrent protocol rewards faster uploads with the opportunity for faster downloads.

A friend of qos и torrent has done this, and, while it sounds dificult, the process is well documented and it qos и torrent does give you great control over your router. The only correct solution is to act like an adult and talk to her. Just qos и torrent her to enable the upload throttling settings on her client for times of day when others need to use the internet.

How do I optimize my network traffic when a user is sucking a ton of bandwidth with torrents?. Is there anything I can do, without access to qos и torrent computer, to make the internet work properly?. I suspect that the best bet would be to forward the port that her torrent client is on to her IP.

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