Metaphor дипломная работа

The ways of joining words and the semantic correlation of words and phrases. Classification of irony and general distinctions between metaphor, metonymy and irony. The role of metaphor and figurative language in the conceptualization of emotion. Metaphorization of emotions and feelings in the romantic novels.

Metaphor role in speech genres, its influence on emotions and imagination of the recipient. The definitions of Metaphor дипломная работа metaphors, their role in lingvoculture. Metaphor дипломная работа in literature and language. Metaphor Metaphor дипломная работа style in speech and writing. More than just a figure of speech. Metaphor дипломная работа of the concept "Love" metaphorically in english proverbs. The term "concept" in various fields of linguistics.

Metaphor as a language unit. The problem of defining metaphor. The theory of concept. The notion of concept in Linguistics. Metaphoric representation of the concept "beauty" in English proverbs. Irony, as a widely used figure of speech, received considerable attention from linguists.

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Recommendations and set of exercises designed for students of intermediate and upper-intermediate level.

Responses on “Metaphor дипломная работа”

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