Hotfix uninstall windows 7

Any idea what is wrong here?. Waiting for update removal to finish …. DexterPOSH April 27,am. Niceworks Great…but I made a change to just filter the KB id while Hotfix uninstall windows 7 the Get-WMiObject itself:. James May 20,pm. Hi I am getting invalid argument errors running this command, not sure whats Hotfix uninstall windows 7. Supply an argument that is not null or empty and then try.

Is there a way to point this to an entire OU of computers? Or to read the computer names from a flatfile list?.

Sitaram Pamarthi February 10,pm. Rick, Tank, there is a formatting problem with the code I posted earlier. A few required slashes were missing, hence the error. Please copy the code afresh from the post and given a try again. Let me know if it still fails. Sitaram Pamarthi February 16,am. Hi Guys, just wanted to check how it is going for you. Scooter November 10,am. Thanks, this is very useful. John Owens December 19,Hotfix uninstall windows 7.

Responses on “Hotfix uninstall windows 7”

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