Fearing love текст песни

The unknown troubles on your mind. Maybe your mind is playing tricks. You sense, and suddenly eyes fix. On dancing shadows from behind.

And as you quicken up your pace. You find it hard to look again. Watching horror films the night before. Fearing love текст песни witches and folklore.

Highlight lyrics to add Meanings, Special Memories, and Misheard Lyrics I am a man who walks alone. At night or strolling through the park. When the light begins to fade. Fearing love текст песни sometimes feel a little strange. Fear of the dark, fear of the dark. Have you run your fingers down the wall. And have you felt your neck skin crawl. At the corner of the room. Have you ever been alone at night. Through your heard footsteps behind.

Responses on “Fearing love текст песни”

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