Translator s false friends дипломная работа

The linguistic features of texts. Lexicology and grammar of letter. Transfer of titles in articles. The concept of translation, its object, objectives and theory. The structure of translation and types of linguistic equivalence of it.

Types of translation, classification criteria, reasons of errors. Form of speech: written translation, oral translation interpretingdubbing, sight and screen translation.

Translational transformations on the example of translation of iris Chang "Massacre in Nanjing". The definition of concept and term "neologism".

Cinema as a necessary and important part of peoples lives. New York as a movie theater capital of the country. The earliest history of films and movie theatres. The growth of the film industry, major film genres. Film Companies, Directors and Producers. Translation of technical literature as a special discipline. Characteristics of lexical and grammatical transformation.

Methods of forming and Translation neologisms. Ethnic and cultural specificity of learning a new vocabulary of the English language. Translating difficulties of neologisms in the modern vocabulary. A semiotic approach to the explanation of the meaning of the translation.

Literal translation of separate words. The same lexical meaning. The model of translation. Display problems of the translation of phraseology in the works of scholars. The study of the specifics of phraseological units and ways of translating figurative phraseology. Difficulties translation of phraseological units and ways of their overcoming.

The ways and kinds of lexical stylistic devices translation from English into Russian language in fiction. The common information about Literary translation. The difficulty of the Literary translation into Translator s false friends дипломная работа. The types of lexical stylistic devices. Literary translation as a specific coding-encoding process.

Philological analysis of linguistic difficulties in translation of specifically English grammatical forms and constructions. The types of lexical transformations Translator s false friends дипломная работа contextual substitutions. Description of the source of the translation and the characteristics of the text. Translation transformation as a specific component of communication.

Aspects and pragmatics of translating process and the role of the translator. Main types and techniques of translation. Translation as a means of Translator s false friends дипломная работа communication.

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