Teaching speaking to young learners дипломная работа

Teaching Vocabulary in English Language: effective Methodologies. Patterns of Difficulty in Vocabulary. Introduction of the Vocabulary. Ways of Determining the Vocabulary Comprehension and Remembering. Key Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary. Psychological and linguistic prerequisites for foreign language teaching. Aims, content and principles language learning. Teaching pronunciation, grammar, speaking and writing.

Description of the basic principles and procedures of used approaches and methods for teaching a second or foreign language. Each approach or method has an articulated theoretical orientation and a collection of strategies and learning activities. Principles of learning and language learning. Components of communicative competence.

Differences between children and adults in language learning. The Direct Method as an important method of teaching speaking. Giving motivation to learn a language. The value of communicative language teaching. On the value of audio-lingual approach. Using of humor in teaching foreign language. On the structure of an anecdotes. Using anecdotes for intermediate and advanced learners. The origins of communicative language teaching.

Theory of the communicative language teaching. Principles and features of the communicative approach. Methodological aspects of teaching communication.

The role of imagination. The instinct for interaction and talk. Theoretical foundation devoted to the usage of Teaching speaking to young learners дипломная работа information technologies in the teaching of the English language. Designed language teaching methodology in the context Teaching speaking to young learners дипломная работа modern computer learning aid. Forms of work with computer tutorials lessons.

Methods of foreign language teaching and its relation to other sciences. Pronunciation as for a perfect imitation of a native speaker. Teaching speaking to young learners дипломная работа ways of explaining the meaning of the words. The nature of speaking and oral interaction. Communicative approach and language teaching. Types of communicative exercises and approaches. Games as a way at breaking the routine of classroom drill. Some Practical Techniques for Language Teaching.

Typology of communicative language activities. Approbation of technology teaching communication. Aims, methods and techniques of teaching the foreign languages.

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