Reading with exercises maugham рассказы

Many adjectives are followed by certain prepositions. Put a preposition from the box into each gap. Some are used more than once. To Of With For In 1. Well, good luck to you. Explain the meaning of the following words and expressions: to take stock of smb, smth; to propose; a burden; to be a flop; to grin and bear it; a tight-wad; to put up with. Introduce the new characters.

Put the verbs in brackets in the right form, infinitive with or without to or — ing form. Look up the verbs in the dictionary and explain the difference in their meaning. Speak on the following topics using words and word combinations from the text: 1.

Приведенный ниже текст получен путем автоматического извлечения из оригинального PDF-документа и предназначен Reading with exercises maugham рассказы предварительного просмотра. Изображения картинки, формулы, графики отсутствуют. М П остн икова О. У чебн о-м етод Reading with exercises maugham рассказы п особие п од готовлен о н а ка ф ед р стр н овед ен ия и е а ин остр н н ых а языков ист ор ического ф а ку льт ет а В ор еж ского он госу д а р вен н ого у н ивер ет.

Учебно-методическое пособие подготовлено на кафедре страноведения иностранных Reading with exercises maugham рассказы исторического факультета Воронежского государственного университета.

Why did Julia receive a letter from Mrs. What kind of reception did Mr. Gosselyn give to Julia? What happened on Sunday evening? Retell the events as they would be told by Julia Michael. What did Julia feel sitting in an armchair in the lobby of the hotel and waiting for Michael while he was having a talk with an American manager? Why did Julia decide to pop up and see Jimmie?

В - речевые упражнения: этот вид Reading with exercises maugham рассказы включает вопросы по содержанию произведения, характеристике действующих лиц, оценке их поступков, а также вопросы, касающиеся основных проблем романа, его композиции, художественных и лингвистических особенностей. Обзорные упражнения в конце пособия включают темы для докладов и сочинений по анализу романа.

What kind of woman was Julia? Why did Michael allow the young man to come to their rehearsal? Was he going to act in the play? What did he say about the public? What was her behaviour like? Michael had started with Shakespeare. But he realized that Shakespeare would get him nowhere and that if he wanted to become a leading actor he must gain experience in modern plays. Who did he write and ask to see him? What happened to Michael after their Reading with exercises maugham рассказы Where was Julia born Reading with exercises maugham рассказы brought up?

That was a good movement, dear. She acted as though… 4.

Br and Aus infml to attack violently 8. Suggest words or word combinations for the following: 1 a put-up job 2 at ease 3 to be capable of doing smth 4 on the road 5 hospitable 6 to walk at random 7 a fortnight 8 extravagant 9 to be deeply mortified 3. Reproduce the situations in which the words and phrases from the list occur. Give antonyms to: old-fashioned; detached; sensible; delighted; to conceal; haughtily; to save; joy; frugal.

Who gave her first lessons? What was Julia taught by her first teacher? Who suggested making Julia the greatest actress in England? What were they talking about? How did she play under his direction?

What do you think of their conversation? What happened to Michael after a fortnight of rehearsals? Did Michael like America? What did he say about it and the Americans? Have you ever been to America? Do you agree with Michael? Describe the way Julia and Reading with exercises maugham рассказы spent the night when Michael came back from America. What did Julia feel? Unit 3: Chapters Vocabulary notes: 1.

Why did Julia fall in love with Michael Reading with exercises maugham рассказы first sight? What kind of man was Michael? What were his views on marriage? Do you agree with Reading with exercises maugham рассказы Unit 2: Chapters Vocabulary notes: 1.

Somerset Maugham Theatre Home reading guide Unit 1: Chapters Vocabulary notes 1. Give synonyms Reading with exercises maugham рассказы to be crazy; filthy; shy; ragged; arrogant; hardship; to chuckle; outstanding; serene; to find out; witty.

Предлагаемое учебно-методическое пособие по роману С. Моэма "Театр" предназначено для занятий по домашнему чтению со студентами II курса исторического факультета, изучающих английский язык по углубленной программе. Пособие состоит из серии заданий и упражнений к главам романа и включает десять разделов. Упражнения и задания направлены на пополнение словарного запаса студентов и на развитие навыков устной речи. В пособии содержатся упражнения двух типов А - лексико-грамматические упражнения: их выполнение должно предшествовать обсуждению текста в Reading with exercises maugham рассказы.

Fill each gap with a preposition from the box. To Of For In With Reading with exercises maugham рассказы. There are many nouns and prepositions that go together. Fill the gaps with a preposition from the box. In With Out of Of On For 1. Complete the following: 1. It infuriated her that when she worked herself up into a passion of tears he should sit there quite calmly, with his hands crossed and a good-humoured smile on his handsome face, as though… 2.

Jimmie Langton and his attitude to his company. The young man, who was introduced to Julia. Give your impression of the main characters. Compose the dialogues between: Julia and the young man Julia and Jimmie Langton Julia and Michael 5. Answer the following questions: 1. Who introduced the young man to Julia? What was the first impression the man produced on her? What kind of man was he?

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