Patternscad 16 crack

Misleading by company rep. Version: Virtual Fashion Professional 1. Cool features which is why I wanted to use it. Wanted to use this for Maternity clothes and was told it could work by expanding the belly. Bought it, expanded the "belly"--not compatible. The clothes expand not the belly making it impossible to use the features of the program.

But a "pregnant patch" is too time consuming??? Asked a programer about this and was told that it should not be that difficult if that was the only change needed and Patternscad 1.6 crack not be considered a time consuming task. No response to that when I mentioned it in my email Patternscad 1.6 crack I submitted twice before getting a response.

I asked for a patch to fix this and was told that it is a difficult project and a date could not be given as to when this could be fixed. This was alomost a year ago and nothing still. Received an email today that new models have Patternscad 1.6 crack been added.

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