Jey jey dance 2

He is skinny with navy bue hair, tied into a lighter colored braid and a hightlight as his bangs. He also wears green illuminate earrings and necklace. As a person, he likes to suprise people and is known for being quite a prankster. Jey grew up in a slum. He had to join a gang in order to survive.

His dance is also known as the Jey jey dance 2 of Dance which carried out his message of world peace. He is the image that every dancers yearn to be. Jey El is a tall and dark skinned person.

Shocked by the tragic accident that puts him in such a state, he was refusing to wake up. For a long time my minds was stuck in the death of darkness. And i was fine with that" - Jey to everybody episode The moves of the soul!

Even with the most cutting edge medical technolody and effort. He finally regained consiousness in episode 49 thanks to the teams dancing spirit even though deep down in his mind he had already come to.

All of the work he has done in the time has been a setup of his assistants, and Jey jey dance 2 the live concerts he performed live ever since has been the work of the Dance Roid - a robot programed with all of his dance moves.

He got recruited into the world of showbiz and Jey jey dance 2 hard to get where he is today. But the thought of kids living in harsh environment like the one he grew up in never left his mind.

When he was scouted, he was sad to leave his friends too but he had Jey jey dance 2 and his friends all came to see him off with a Jey jey dance 2. SPOILER WARNING: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILER. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. However, he met an unfortunate accident five years ago and has been in coma ever since.

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