Anti gravity globe инструкция

To visualize a gravity field model, we need a grid of the required geopotential functional computed from the Anti gravity globe инструкция model. A model is defined by its harmonic coefficients see the reference paper for details. The harmonic coefficients are saved in mat files named after the model. In Anti gravity globe инструкция package, there are several models available, of different maximum resolution stated in comments :. The computation of the grid needed for the visualization is done by invoking e.

Artefact line on a 3D image. Sometimes it may happen that on a 3D image there is an apparent artifact line, look at the first figure on the right. This is not an error, it is due to the fact that the interpolation function does not have data for the whole surface. When developing the package, we found a simple remedy in adding a copy of the first column in the visualized data matrix at the end, and also we add a copy of the first longitude value at the end.

If the last duplicated column is deleted:. Have a look at this scriptwhich demonstrates the problem and produces the two images shown.

A small frame rate 1 fps was taken for a medium sized window of px, which produced an animated gif of 3. Geoid height in 3D as animated GIF: full revolution, smooth motion. The same "thumbnail" animation as is described above in Section 3. Geoid height in 3D as video files: WMV, MP4, xvid AVI.

You may delete its contents if you wish. Reading geopotential coefficients from an ICGEM file. The downloaded gfc file is then transformed into our internal format Anti gravity globe инструкция typing:. The model coefficients are then loaded by typing, e. Geoid height in 3D as PNG image. Usage and meaning of the optional arguments was explained in Section 2.

Anti gravity globe инструкция included the package Color Palette Tables. Add this line among the Anti gravity globe инструкция with optional arguments:. Matlab itself has a set of built-in colour scales type: doc colormapwe provided a functionality of using them. Finally, it is very easy to modify an existing colour scale, as it is shown in the current figure. This is example of our own colour scale:.

It was created in the following way. Open a graph, e. Put both the figure window and Colormap editor window side by side.

This is an example of smoothly rotating geoid, whose definition and properties are described above in Section 3. As above, for this smooth animation covering the full deg rotation angle, with high time resolution of 20 fps, the size of the wmv file is 13 MB, much smaller than the corresponding animated gif of 37 MB. Earth topography as 2D map. Usage of our 2D mapping function is fully analogous to 3D visualization function as explained above in Section 2.

Making of 3D graphs step by step. As explained in the section about zooming the detailed Earth topography data, for speeding up the generation of the png file, we set the figure window as Anti gravity globe инструкция. Earth topography as 2D map centred on the Pacific. This example shows how to change the view point to the Pacific rather than to the Greenwich meridian default. Choosing and editing a colour scale. Sometimes, users complain that Matlab does not produce nicely looking images with varied colour scales.

To produce an STL file, add an optional argument:. To create the STL file, the function surf2stl. An AVI video was produced instead of WMV. To create videos in compressed formats WMV, MP4, xvid AVI, download, install and add to your Matlab path: ffmpeg.

Making of 3D graphs step by stepcomputation of the grid for the geoid height in the previous section. An example of animation that can be used e.

In the Colormap editor, double click on a node pointer small arrows and change its colour. The change should immediately be applied to your grahp. One can shift the pointers, add new pointers simply by clicking, delete the existing pointers, etc. When you are satisfied with your new colour scale, you can save it using our function:. The new colormap can be applied to your 2D and 3D graphs by using the optional argument:.

Animated GIF was not created. To be able to produce animated GIFs within Matlab, you need the function Anti gravity globe инструкция. In our experience, Matlab version Ra has it in its basic module; with older version Ra, either you use the image Anti gravity globe инструкция toolbox, or you can contact me and possibly I can help you.

It is possible to fabricate a physical model representing the output of our visualization package by means of a 3D printer e.

We believe that this is not true, look for example at Anti gravity globe инструкция high resolution example image of Earth topography. In fact, a user can quickly and easily change and edit a color scale for 2D or 3D images.

Responses on “Anti gravity globe инструкция”

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